* Posts by PJP

4 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Jul 2014

Firefox points the way to eradicating one of the rudest words online: PDF


Re: I don't mind PDFs

You are right, of course. So people do ask for a printable copy, and that usually means PDF.

However ... a company that shall remain nameless, has three related products that it acquired.

The original company used to ship an HTML and PDF version of the Admin Guide with each of the products.

New company, seeing that since these are built on a common base, decides to munge together all the Admin Guides into one, so as to be able to share the commonality, which, they learn is actually common, but slightly different.

Then they decided to prefix this with the release notes of each version going back to when Noah used it on his Arc.

So the first 1,000+ pages are just release notes ...

It's all HTML ... but you can convert it to PDF. It is humongous, and has problems like tables split over boundaries, and column sizes changed to fit, so some are just too small and have 20 word sentences, one word strung out above the other.

There used to be a time when tech writers took some small pride in their work...

SCREW YOU, net neutrality hippies – AT&T halts gigabit fiber


The sooner ISPs understand that the ONLY business they are in is that of shuffling packets from A to B as fast and securely as possible, the better off we all will be.

Their current attitude can be compared to a security guard transporting gold bars insisting that he gets a cut because ... well ... just because ... and it would be a pity if something nasty were to happen to this shipment.

HTTP-Yes! Google boosts SSL-encrypted sites in search results


Re: $10/yr is the tip of the iceberg

The point is supposed to be ENCRYPTION of the traffic. Self-signed certs are perfectly adequate for that task, and should be accepted as such with no complaint.

Validation of a site's authenticity is an entirely different thing, and something Google are not testing for (at least, its not mentioned). really, setting up an encrypted link, and site authentication should be entirely separate, but the (so called) Certificate Authorities like to keep the two combined to force you to buy their rip-off certificates.

Climate: 'An excuse for tax hikes', scientists 'don't know what they're talking about'


Re: Maybe we could get a consensus

So you didn't get the memo about not referring to polar bears any more, that far from being on the edge of extinction, their numbers are increasing?

In the 1960's, as I remember them, it was all about global cooling, and the forthcoming ice age. All caused by pollution emitted by man, of course.

You also seem to have missed the memo about the "pause" or "hiatus" -- which they are desperately trying to write off as just a random anomaly. They started off by denying it was happening. the it was just a short term fluke. Only if it persisted for 10 years did it mean anything, Then it was "Oh, did I say 10 years? I meant 15". Now its "Oh, it means nothing unless it persists for 30 years".

So if even the climate pause deniers actually admit that there actually is one (but it means nothing!) how can they consistently report "Highest temperatures ever!". Well, you mist have had your eyes closed for a while to miss the storm over the continuous process of temperature record adjustments, where older temperatures are ALWAYS reduced (so they must have lied when they proclaimed them to be "highest ever!") and newer measurements are adjusted upwards.

If you believe people like these, you either have your nose in the trough, or are some form of congenital idiot.