Re: Fuck you, Microsoft
I do agree with most of the comments posted here but you are very wrong when you say that:
"Everybody, almost Everybody is buying into Office 365".
I have worked in the software industry for over a decade alongside Small, Medium and Enterprise organisations. I have been bombarded with the Cloud hype and the fact is that businesses have been very slow to adopt the Cloud Office 365 over the past 5 years (the stats published to date prove it); hence the reason why MS is throwing everything but the kitchen sink at businesses to take it up. The 'Cloud' clearly has its place but the reality we are seeing an extension of the MS 'Subscription' & 'SA' hype that we saw 10 years ago. In reality, businesses are not taking up the Cloudy Offering and based on the past 5 years, you will not see a massive leap from on-premise to Cloud; more a re-balancing of Cloud v on-premise over unforeseeable future...