* Posts by Turnip McFondleballs

9 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Jul 2014

Easter is approaching – and British pr0n watchers still don't know how long before age-gates come into force

Turnip McFondleballs

asking for a friend

I heard that several mind geek sites have recently displayed an age verification banner instead of the requested onanistic media when accessed via a web proxy if the Euro server is selected but not when another region server is selected. Sometimes it works fine via the Euro server, my source tells me..

User secures floppies to a filing cabinet with a magnet, but at least they backed up daily... right?

Turnip McFondleballs

back in the day..

...when I was still an apprentice, my foreman sent to the stores for a long weight. The storeman kept me hanging around for fucking ages but the joke was on teh gaffer in the end as it turned out they were all out of stock and discontinued.

Don't make Aug 21 a blind date: Beware crap solar eclipse specs

Turnip McFondleballs

Re: When I was a kid...

No, but that does sound more fun than what we used to do - wrap a sock around your neck and pull until you become unconscious

You were remembering to masturbate whilst you did this weren't you?

Boffins' five eyes surprise: Bees correct colour for ambient light

Turnip McFondleballs

these bees taste funny

Fancy buying our aircraft carrier satnav, Raytheon asks UK

Turnip McFondleballs

Re: Himself? Herself?

well I guess the F35s ought to be male to reflect their micro-aggression capabilities


Leeds cops issue appeal for man-sized todger

Turnip McFondleballs

<generic knob joke>


Disney rollercoaster helps pop out kidney stones

Turnip McFondleballs

Re: Subhead ...

<i>Don't hate the mouse. Hate what his owners did to the law.</i>

Fair play, but the mouse is also an annoying bastard in his own right.

Failing to zap bogus reviews about your biz is illegal, snarls regulator

Turnip McFondleballs

excellent article

Appearance as discribed... etc

..cont p 94

Remember when Google+ outed everyone by their real names? Now Google's sorry

Turnip McFondleballs

Re: G+ as an "identity service"

<i>if I were to sign up as Turnip McFondleballs the world would have ended?</i>

Mine might have.

My identity ----->