* Posts by keybasher

6 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Jul 2014

Australia the idiot in the global village, says Geoff Huston


Re: cantankerous swineherd and refugees ?

except we don't - that claim about Australia taking in the highest number of refugees per capita is just false.



I read yesterday that Germany is set to massively increase its intake of refugees:


... so we're even further down the list. :-(

Australians! Let us all rise up against data retention


Re: @dan

"It's far easier to roll-back any 'green' policies they might get through..."

...but of course those 'green' policies are helping to save the world and the people who live in it, so that probably wouldn't be desireable. I'd rather allow the reef to be saved and Australia uphold the UN charter of human rights if it also meant draconian surveillance measures were not implemented.

CSC set for ANOTHER re-org but no redundancies involved


Re: Have to love CSC... So many punchlines...

Actually, CSC had a band too, and a pretty good one!

Check this video:


...or Brad's write-up:


E-vote won't happen for next Oz election


Re: Electronic Voting is more Secure

"Everyone should have the right to view their ballot as it moves through the counting process..."

but in Oz the ballot papers are anonymous - nothing on them to relate back to the voter (except the handwriting of the numbers or possibly some DNA from handling the ballot form),

"logistically not possible with the paper system, with an electronic system it is possible."

...only if the core voting rules allowed the voter to vote connection to be made, which I suspect they don't.

Also, consider this: The government currently wants to store all Australian web users' metadata for two years. Under this regime, would I be able to cast a vote without my choice being saved, and related back to me after the election?

Free government-penned crypto can swipe identities


Re: Malice or incompetence?

Well, Bruce Schneier has written that good cryptography is HARD, and home grown efforts are notoriously prone to fault.

Voteware source code requester labelled 'vexatious'


Sadly, FOI requests cost money here

Depending on the amount of info being requested, it looks like each request will cost $50 or so minimum:

"Application fee - $26.50 (non- refundable unless fee is waived)

Access Charges:

Search charges - $19.90 per hour or part of an hour

Supervision charges - Charge calculated per quarter hour or part thereof based on an hourly rate of $19.90

Photocopying charges - 20c per black and white A4 page

Providing access in a form other than photocopying - The reasonable costs incurred by the agency in providing the copy.

Charge for listening to or viewing a tape - The reasonable costs incurred by the agency in making arrangements to listen to or view. (Supervision charges also apply)

Charge for making a written transcript out of a tape - The reasonable costs incurred by the agency in providing the written transcript."