china and their impending downfall.
If you are Chinese in china then you are charged with corruption.
If you are non Chinese in china then you are charged with espionage.
It is the same every time you read about shit like this. I live for the day when President Pooh Bear gets his name in the media being charged with corruption and I hope I don't have to wait too long. He is the one who wants to rape and pillage the chip industry in the Republic of China (aka Taiwan), rapidly steal the South China Sea and blame every other country in the world for the shit china does.
The only good thing at the moment is china trying to be friends with the Taliban. At some stage the arrogant, two faced lying, thieving CCP arseholes will hopefully try military action against Afghanistan and we know what happened to all other "invaders" of that land of disjointed tribes. Due to their arrogance the CCP and their military sock puppets will assume the Afghanis will be a walk over and whoever is leading the country when the body bags start going home will not last and hopefully his family gets a bill for the cost of the "judgement" bullet. Maybe then we can have a bit more of a stable world without the ridiculous blustering of the biggest IP thieves in history (how else did they advance technologically so fast without doing the research & development without stealing other countries & businesses IP).