* Posts by Tom Czerniawski

5 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Jul 2014

Sunday Times fires off copyright complaint at Snowden story critics

Tom Czerniawski

I could cry with joy to see the universal condemnation from all stripes of media, from mainstream to fringe, directed in an unified chorus toward the Sunday Times and its government-ordered attempt at deceiving the public.

Australia's PM says data retention laws think of the children

Tom Czerniawski

But I am thinking of the children. Frankly, I don't want mine growing up in a surveillance state, the antithesis of free societies.

Your hard drives were riddled with NSA spyware for years

Tom Czerniawski

Burn the NSA to the ground. Salt the earth, so nothing grows there again.

Robot deputy blasts possibly explosive Mexican beans with CANNON in 'controlled explosion'

Tom Czerniawski

I wonder how effective this water-based disruptor might be as a close-range personal defense weapon.

Facebook 'manipulated' 700k users' feelings in secret experiment

Tom Czerniawski

Lads, you might want to google the Minerva Initiative. This wasn't Facebook alone. This was an US Government operation investigating the causes of social unrest.