Lets ban something too, while we're at it.
23 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Jul 2007
You're right! I can't believe I've been so stupid. I've always been caught in the "society should change but I feel bad coz I don't do anything about it, but it should change.." cycle. You're right, the majority are perfectly fine, they don't want things to change. They don't care.
The rest of us should become Taoists and stop worrying. Probably.
Urgh. My brain hurts more than usual
Are you sure you're not me in disguise?
Yep, totally agree. I can't bring myself to vote for any of them and my eldest son spoils his ballot paper in protest (Oo, hope I haven't brainwashed him...).
I did check out some bunch called the Libitarians, or something, but they make John Redwood look sane.
I suppose no one who wants power should be allowed to have it, thus we're screwed. This lot have to go though. Soon.
It'll be interesting to see if public apathy remains when the economy crashes. I was going to suggest a forum for finding a better way forward, but thats just bullshit. Perhaps the only hope is through a Taoist/ Zen Yin Yang attitude to it all. Sort of good and bad balance eachother out.
I'm rambling now. Ah well, the weekend, and drug fuelled stoat wrestling await
Someone said something about getting involved in politics and voting etc.
Here's the problem: At elections the parties have manifestos which generally have more or less fairly un-scary suff in them and one or two real stark raving mad ideas. As soon as the winner is declared they say the public has given them a mandate to to ALL the things they threatened.
This is why democracy doesn't work very well (but its better than the alternatives, to paraphrase). Whoever you vote for you get nutters.
Paris? Sounds a bit less controlled than London
I'm probably going to get some stick on this but:
1. Why is the viewable area always described in different ways (a 2000mile screen as seen from Jupiter or a milk carton viewd through your neighbours front door etc)
2. Where's my full field of vision job with motion sensor so I can play fully imersive Doom (yes I know, but I don't have much time to play games)? There ought to be a setting whee you can expand the field or something.
I've been waiting for my VR goggles (NOT looking at a screen with a black surround, goddammit!). Where are they? I want them now!
In the past I've tried Linux and every time its scuppered me in some irritating way I have to wait 6 months before I'm persuaded to try again because "its all different (=better) now". But it never is. I'm not a tech but I work in IT and as such probably know more than most of the public do about this stuff (or I'm kidding myself. Entirely possible) but the real reason Linux doesn't fly is because you cant seamlessly transfer from being a windows user to Linux cos of the iPod / Flash / whatever / problem. Until all mainstream apps are seamlessly compatable between the two FOR THE AVERAGE USER it's going to be Windows. I would love for that to happen though...
The thing we did wrong was to let the Boats 'O' Nutters actually arrive somewhere. OK so we assumed they'd be eaten, but it didn't work out that way. (Aha, here's your evolutionary advantage! Shoot first think later means not getting eaten by savages! And this stuff takes a while to work its way out again.) Should have bombed them the moment they got out of the harbour (did we have bombs then? An oversight perhaps)
Ah! Peace love and understanding
I know BT aren't great, but I'd rather deal with them any day than have anything to do with NTL...or Orange.
I aged years whilst trying to get NTL to do ANYTHING. It was the worst service I've had from any company of any type. BT are just mildly annoying in comparison (and their gear works).
A friend of mine was with Orange. It was so bad his ears fell off. OK I made that up but it was bad. Real bad.