* Posts by Coussa

3 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Jul 2014

Sonos rattles begging bowl, hopes for $130m cash stream


Re: There may be trouble ahead...

It's most probably a cashflow issue, a too big gap (in time) between expenses and income.

With that type of growth, they have to spend so much money on building the stuff, and using a distribution channel, it can be up to six months between the time they built the product, shipped it to the distributor in the UK, who then shipped it to the reseller, who then handed over to the customer, who then paid the reseller, who then paid the distributor, who then paid Sonos (phew).

NSA spying will shatter the internet, Silicon Valley bosses warn


Re: Probably not

Exactly!!!! The most disturbing part in the entire #Snowden, #PRISM, #NSA scandal, is the US' complete lack of respect for countries and laws and integrity of innocent people outside the US!!!!

We got behind the wheel of a Tesla S electric car. We didn't hate it


I'm not sure it's true that "The trip shows the power consumption in kilowatts per mile", that would be like saying how much power or how many horse powers it consumes per mile. Should read KiloJoules or KiloWatt seconds, or more probably, as we do with home gas and electricity, KiloWattHours (1 KWH = 3,600 KWS or 3,600 Kilo Joule)