Re: Emails and Announcements
Yeah, only it's getting much worse than that. Lot's of people I know have come to -expect- you have a facebook account.
How many a time have I had someone tell me "oh, I thought you knew I will have a bbq next weekend. I put it on facebook" kind of bullcrap. I don't miss invitations from most of my RealLiveFriends (tm), as I meet them in person at one point anyways. Or use a phone (to call). Or by email (you know, where you actually have to remember the names of people you like to invite for some activity).
I had an account in the early days, but more out of curiosity, same as when at the time I tried to see what Second Life was all about (remember the time the Reg had a Second Life article almost daily). Both are/were crud.
Facebook annoyed the shit out of me, and I gave up when I got managers from the head-office inviting me to become their "friends". Good stuff when all the pictures your connections only put your pictures up from those good nights at the bar.
As for times wasted on FB, I'm amazed sometimes any business gets done at any company. When I walk down open plan offices at various customer premises, a large % of the drones seem to be trawling through their "friends'" latest updates/activities/cat pictures, instead of doing actual work.
If I were any kind of decision maker on company policy, the first thing would be to block *facebook* in the FW block list. The day FB would become critical for the job at hand, would be the day some other policies would be enforced. (Ok, don't start about "the company FB page", "we need to advertise on FB", or "we need to check our competitors' FB page" issues. I understand horses for courses).
I can only hope FB will one day soon just be remembered as "that fad from the early 21st century".
If not, I might become that last person roaming around, trying to behave like the rest of humanity who have been transformed into emotionless drone copies out of flowery plant pods.