Previous employer
The acronym for a previous employer's IT department was S.H.I.T.
I even got away with adding this into Window 7's About function next to the servicedesk phone number - as S.H.I.T. Servicedesk: 08xxxxxxxxx
Nobody picked it up!
27 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Jun 2015
I spent a fair chunk of last weekend wiping my main PC of W11 and restoring it back to W10 having spent a few hours the week before upgrading. I even tried using the insider release just in case that improved things which it didn't.
1. Explorer - W10 shows if there are files inside the folders with certain views. W11 insider kind of does but not nearly as well.
2. Explorer (again) - W11 is useless the folders are on the actual computer. Network share? Forget it!
3. Explorer the 3rd - Copy To and Move To - totally removed from context and menu bar. Found a reg fudge that kind of restored them to context menu but didn't show folders in quick access
4. Task Manager - insider version - holy mother of god - what is this abomination?!?!?
GPO is now set so it'll never upgrade to W11, although PC health check did get auto installed earlier this week. Thanks M$
Too true!
I was once sent to buy a kettle because the downstairs wall mounted hot water heater had packed up.
IT weren't the ones who noticed nor reported this - just a decree from upper manglement to the head of IT to get one of the team to Makro to buy one from petty cash since they didn't want people walking up and downstairs to make a brew.
The deceased either knew the writing was on the wall so came up with a scenario that meant if he got fired he'd have some satisfaction from the shit-storm he'd leave behind or knew someone didn't like him and was trying to make it impossible for them to get rid of him.
I've worked with people in the past who were actually very good at their jobs but were constantly being bad mouthed by management. This was often when a PHB thought they knew everything (often loudly) and the colleagues were constantly being forced to prove them otherwise to the PHB's boss.
Sounds like the IT management where I currently work. Everything is set to old, outdated procedures (which also aren't kept up to date) and heaven forbid anyone other than them should come up with an idea to streamline these processes.
Only been there 2 months. Wonder if I'll make it to Easter before jumping ship?!?!?
Who the heck reading El Reg only ever stores things on their phones? Between my NAS and GDrive (as an additional backup for my photos synced from the NAS), I consider my phone's storage as a portable backup. An offsite NAS helps too. Some would say I'm being paranoid about failure, but ATEOTD, no storage solution is guaranteed not to fail at some point. Hell, I've had the onboard storage fail in an early smartphone (OK, OK, it was a Motorola flip running WinCE so not that smart) I had many years ago.
I've had a franchisee of a unnamed but well known franchise who once who claimed that he never touched the voltage switch on the POS's PSU but upon a site visit could clearly see that he had. He then claimed that the switch was too easy to switch over (it definately wasn't and I demonstrated as such with both the unplugged knackered PC and the replacement) and refused to cough up the cost of replacing the PC. Once quick call to his Area Manager changed that.
Where I live there was a minor hoo-ha a few years ago because the city council made the taxi licencing tests a bit too difficult (or expensive depending on whose opinion you trust) in the view of some drivers, so they got their licences from a not exactly borough council! outside of the historical county borough instead.
Perfectly legal, but I still upset a few of them when I tell them which way to go to my destination if I noticed that they've done this ever since one tried to seriously rip me off by taking the scenic route!
In 2017, a crack forestry unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government they survive as rangers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them....maybe you can hire The NPS.
I can't help but wonder if this related to the issue I have with my SH3 when in modem mode. It absolutely hates my RT1900AC (It was OK with my previous router (RIP)), I was getting random disconnects from t'interweb and everything pointed to the SH3. I even got the SH3 swapped because of it which made little to no difference. I ended up having to switch the SH3 back to normal router mode, disable WiFi and DHCP and stick my router in the SH3's DMZ to get it reliable. I might wait until the next FW update and give it another go.......
The first PC I ever owned (an Amstrad PC1512) had one of those. 20MB if I remember correctly, along with 2 5.25" FDDs. A friend offered me his old Win 1.0 FDDs then I saw they were 3.5". Took me bloody ages to copy the files on a PC at college from one size to the other so I could install it.
It wouldn't surprise me if the settlement was in the region of a couple of thousand $.
IMO The American Dollar could be described as a minor band at best (I know it's not an infallible source of info, but when Wikipedia doesn't even have a listing of any of your songs then you're going nowhere) so are just angry that everyone's been ignoring them and saw this as a get rich quick scheme.