Bitcoin Sux
Buy bitcoin, how hard could that be?
I went through the obligatory ordeal of setting up my own software wallet, on a detachable thumb drive. That's because online exchanges are not secure and subject to regular major thievery. See this article.
Then I tried to buy some bitcoin. WOW! They want ton of personal data, even copies of your passport, selfies, copies of drivers license, bank account numbers, etc. etc. etc. Enough to make you want to puke.
But, guess what, the exchanges themselves don't have a physical address or even a phone number most of the time. It's difficult to discern their country of origin many times. In short, it's a brutal, sketchy one way data street.
And, they LIE a lot. "Instantly" buy bitcoin becomes a few hours, a few business days, a week or two and then they reserve the right to terminate your online account and purchases for the most silly to non-existent reasons.
Finally, I determined I could go to the mall and buy bitcoin at an atm with only scanning the BACK of my drivers license....and did, to ....Hallelujah.....purchase .110 bitcoins. Which now have dropped 15% in value in an eye blink.
If you want to buy something without it being tracked, probed and attacked every which way...go to the drug store and get a money order for less than a will be way ahead of the bitcoin scam.
Read this article. It's standard operation procedure.