This just seems to be some plaything of the landed gentry:
I count only about 2 chins amongst that lot.
77 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Jun 2014
Have I got my maths right here?
Microsoft claims "devices that do meet the minimum system requirements had a 99.8% crash free experience," and those that did not "had 52% more kernel mode crashes."
So, supported hardware has a crash rate of 0.2%, non-supported hardware has 52% more crashes.
52% more of 0.2% is only 0.3% ..................... So basically, it is no worse on older hardware than newer?
And how do you let yourself out of the toilet after washing them?
Hope that some other germ dodger opens the door for you?
Me, I always take a raggy urchin with me and smash their head against the screen........
Not true actually, not been into one of their shitholes since 1988 and proud!
Or, just do as I have and never buy anything from Amazon....... Never found anything I wanted that I can't get for a better or similar price elsewhere.
Yeah I know I can be ripped off there too, but Amazon are just a bunch of crooks, why should they go stomping on other crooks toes?
"Bobs, not taken his meds again"
"OK, I'll get the taser"
"I could *EASILY* disprove the entire CO2-global-climate-bullcrap thing with a can of soda and the CO2 infrared absorption spectrum and a handful of other relevant scientific facts..."
oooh, please do!
"In this case, the elected members had potential conflicts, and therefore were not involved in the design of the system we decided upon."
Nominet CEO: "Boy, go away and come up with 3 ways we can offload these domains"
Office Jr: "Sir, I came up with these 3:
System 1: Fair and equitable distribution of domains
System 2: All affected companies given first shout on domains
System 3: Hoover up all the domain names and sell them on at vastly inflated prices"
Nominet CEO: "Excellent, WE will have system 3, off back to your desk with you!"
These slimy POS's must have been looking closely at how 'sir' philip green does business.
turbines killing birds: The RSPB has stated that the downside of turbines killing birds is less of an issue than the downside of climate change and they are happy for turbines to be built, not in known migration routes though.
"Any more than about 5 to 6% unreliable renewables and you need an equal amount of reliable power backup": Id be happy for there to be backup for the odd occasion that there is insufficient wind/solar. A bit like having a fire service, there when you need them and happy to pay for them to be there.
If, in the UK, the grid and generation was state owned then you could have Govt built renewables and fossil backup. Renewable generation being effectively free would generate the money to pay for the (mostly) idle backup.
"We recognize that we’re a guest in your home, and we respect and appreciate that invitation" some google buffy.
"Some traditions hold that a vampire cannot enter a house unless he or she is invited in. This concept has been referenced throughout the history of vampire fiction (from Samuel Taylor Coleridge 's poem Christabel , through Bram Stoker 's novel Dracula to Stephen King 's novel Salem's Lot , and even Buffy the Vampire Slayer ). Generally, however, a vampire can come and go at will after being invited once."
Expect to be drained of your blood any time soon!
So a smart meter costs about £300 all in.
Insulating a loft will cost about the same and will save approx £180 a year.
If you already have loft insulation they could spend about £150 kitting out your whole house with LED bulbs and that will save you about £200 a year.
If you have loft insulation AND you already got LED bulbs they could offer you:
A subsidy to get cavity wall insulation saving about £140 a year
A subsidy to upgrade to a condensing boiler saving £300 a year
A subsidy to put in solar panels if applicable
(I fitted a diverter to use excess leccy to heat the hot water (Economy 7) and saw our leccy use drop by 1/3)
Oh, and on behalf of meter readers everywhere, it also means they get to keep their jobs!
Do you have the same view about the fire service? "They sit around watching TV, and sleeping while on duty"
About the Police? "Just wander around the streets and sit in cars"
The Army? "Just play with guns all day"
You really are a prick of the first order.
Me? Happy to pay 100x what I take out of the NHS, the health of my fellow citizens means I can enjoy a fairly smooth and trouble free life.
Oh dear, has the newsagent not delivered your Daily Heil yet and you have nothing to froth at this morning?
"It is impossible to sack bad teachers"
That is just a downright lie, there are proper procedures in place to sack teachers and plenty are.
"Generally any policy teachers oppose will be good for pupils, parents, taxpayers, everyone."
You mean like academisation and free schools?
"Converting schools into academies has cost the government £745 million since 2010-11. £81 million was spent on conversion in 2016-17 alone."
"According to the National Audit Office, the Government’s free school programme has run up a bill of billions of pounds due to staggering procurement and construction costs.
Originally allocated £450m in 2011 by the then Education Secretary Michael Gove, the spending watchdog warns that the programme will now cost £9.7bn by 2021 - with the Government facing a bill of £2.5bn just to purchase the land needed to build them.
Published today, the NAO’s school spending report revealed that £850m has already been spent on land acquisitions for free schools over the last five years, with officials paying “premium” prices in many cases due to a shortage of alternative sites.
On average, the Government had paid 19 percent more than official land valuations for new sites, with the four most expensive developments costing £120m to secure."
Back to reading Trump tweets with you........... SAD!!!
It is and the Govt response is to "ask the tech industry to help", as has been said earlier what that will mean is that the usual suspects will hoover up the cash....... c(r)apita.
That money will come from the DFE central budget, which will mean less dosh per pupil filtered down to schools.
I see the problem as:
Govt say "Raise standards" and instruct ofsted to kick the backside of any school that does not do it.
Senior leaders in schools brick it and pay consultants to tell them how to ensure ofsted will leave happy.
Consultants (it may even be singular, as all SLT I have had contact with seem to have all seen the same powerpoint) put in place a whole swathe of 'systems and procedures' that the SLT have no idea how to implement properly, but the just chuck time (and therefore money) at it anyway.
Teachers run around like blue arsed flies filling in forms, gathering data, testing and re-testing to show that the poor kids make progress every second of every day, with the threat of diciplinary action if they do not.
The kids are under pressure constantly, from primary school up, this results in more mental health problems.
And then on to Uni....
"The number of students dropping out with mental health problems has more than trebled in recent years, while the number of suicides among full-time students in England and Wales has jumped from 75 in 2007 to 134 in 2015."
Education is and should always be about more that raw exam figures, sadly, that is the sole driver these days.
"I think that our AC above has no idea how much a yacht costs, or any idea how little a civil servant can earn even at the highest employment grades..."
Dunno what you are paid but £117k sound like a shed load from where I'm looking.
Might not buy a Yacht, but it will get you a cosy retirement and if you can top it up with after dinner speaking (Think George Osborne @£500k/year).
"April 2014 ASHE report gives median gross annual earnings of £22,044 for all employees and £27,195 for full-time employees."
"According to the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE), average gross annual earnings for full-time employees was £27,600 in 2015"
Jobs for the boys innit.
"In November 2015, the org raised its prices by 50 per cent citing vague "additional costs.""
"Director pay has increased a remarkable 14.5 per cent each year since 2002."
Why would you want some mucky 'charity' getting a slice of what he assumes is, by birthright, his?
Make me want to vote for Jeremy Corbyn......... I'd vote for Genghis Kahn if he stood on a ticket of bringing shysters like this to book!
"Check your cameras, broadband gateways, NAS boxes for latest botnet malware"
OK, thanks for that.......... but there was not anything in the article that I could seethat told me HOW I go about this!
Should my AV pick it up? Does malwarebytes? Do I have to download and run some other checker? Thats what seems to be missing!
Anyone got a 'thing' I could do?