Re: MS EDGE aggression
Yes, I've found that too. I'm not very knowledgable about these subjects; however, I found that MS are changing some defaults when updating, Example, I had my S20 linked with my Acer Aspire 5 using Android, I could be mistaken. I didn't have MS Link on my phone. Following an update, my link wasn't working, message from MS your phone link is no longer called ---- It's now called MS Link. Darn it, I could not remove MS Link from my laptop, I fixed the link once them MS updated and the message appeared telling me the Link was now called MS Link. I believe I checked all of my default settings and some have definitely been changed. I frequently get a message you need an app. go to the MS store and choose one. Furthermore, I've had extra apps added by MS and had to ensure I found every way possible to block MS from adding unwanted apps. as well as changing my default settings. I'm 79 and haven't had any computer studies training. The only thing I've done is write a program in BASIC that will convert Fahrenheit to Celsius. I'm sure you will find mistakes, I'm learning as I go and won't let it beat me. Hahaha! I learned MS has insisted that Acer use only MS and not allow any other companies products on their computers, at all. I detest Microsoft, they're a pushy lot.