* Posts by Ian Joyner

622 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Jun 2014


At last! Apple admits its MacBook Pro butterfly keyboards utterly suck, offers free replacements

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

No idiot tax

“the Cupertino idiot-tax giant”

Stop insulting people for buying Apple by calling them idiots. Apple purchasers buy Apple for good reasons, including overall quality of software and hardware (software always comes first).

The term “idiot” means they have not really looked into things. Well, all the things that go on in the IT world are difficult to determine. But how do the others get their prices low – because they advertise and pass your details onto other third parties. This is being naive as to where the cost of your appliance comes from – with Apple you own the appliance, with advertising-based cheap prices, your appliance owns you.

Now I’m not going to insult those who buy these other products by calling them idiots, rather try to educate them about what is really going on, rather than being naive about what is going on.

It seems the Register is wilfully naive, or maybe being idiots. Usually those who repeat the same thing over and over, are just trying to promote a lie. The ‘idiot tax’ phrase is used over and over by the Register. It is not true, and it is insulting. Has Register been taking lessons from Trump?

What's all the C Plus Fuss? Bjarne Stroustrup warns of dangerous future plans for his C++

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

Re: C and C-style C++

“"But the days of being able to keep the entire state of the machine in your head as you program"

A correct point, but I don't see the relevance here”

It is not just the state machine, it is the general complexity of everything. You need to keep in your head the whole complexity of libraries with many APIs. Some you might be familiar with, others not. It is a great help that compilers actually check that what you have done is correct, especially when you are having to use something obscure.

Really, where are these super programmers who can deal with this complexity in their head?

If you can get it right in your head, fine. It is correct, so the checks won’t bother you. But don’t have the checks and the bugs certainly will bother you.

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

Re: C and C-style C++

If you really understand what you are doing, you want these protections. Automated checks to see the programmer is doing the right thing are beneficial. They are a help, not a hindrance. People who argue against protections - verification and security - don’t know what they are talking about.

But more than that is the issue of security. C’s model is that you can trust programmers to do the right thing. That is out of a naive age. It is now really, really, really stupid.

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

I Agree with Bjarne Stroustrup!!

I remember reading something a long time ago by Bjarne on the Vasa. I really recommend a trip to see it if you are in Stockholm – quite a sight.

I have been agreeing with Bjarne on this point for over 20 years, and C++ has been a top-heavy artefact for at least that time.


I'll admit to missing the most critical point (for 2018) that security is the elephant in the room for both C and C++ (and CPU/system architectures). Like most, I concentrated on correctness and verification, as well as other factors such as maintainability. Security is intricately tied to correctness, but rather than guarding a programmer against their own mistakes, it is guarding a system against the malicious intents of others. C and C++ can be too early undermined, and buffer overflows have proven to be the curse of modern computing, but blessing to the hackers.

But security is indeed the issue that should see C and C++ relegated to the past of the wild-west days of computing.

It is time for a rethink – or at least to learn the lessons from the past for good software development, even back to the 1960s, that C and C++ have wilfully ignored and spurned as 'restricting programmer freedom'. That attitude was naive, then stupid, now it should be criminal.

Hey, Mac fanbois: Got $600,000 burning a hole in your pocket? Splash out on this rare Apple I

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

Just report the news...

without snide comments about fanboys, etc.

Five actually useful real-world things that came out at Apple's WWDC

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

Re: Damn it

"Planet get a mature linux to flash on"

It is not a matter of maturity of Linux. Linux is deliberately designed for performance not security. This is good for well-controlled servers where they are operated by professional staff. Thus security is manual.

In the fast-changing world of a user device (downloading apps, updates all the time) better security via microkernels is needed. Linux will never have this by design, not by maturity.

Samsung loses (again) to Apple in patent battle (again). This time to the tune of a mere $539m

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

Re: Apple rips off Xerox, sues world+dog

You do not know the history do you? Douglas Englebart invented the mouse around 1963, not Xerox PARC. Jef Raskin at Apple was doing similar stuff to PARC and knew those guys. Raskin did his Ph.D in the 1960s on the graphics package that became Apple's Quickdraw. He was working at Apple doing similar stuff to the Xerox guys. It was Raskin who suggested to Jobs that he take up PARC's invitation to go and see what they were doing.

PARC invited industry players in Apple, Tektronix, and IBM to view their stuff, because they had been ordered by Xerox HQ on the East Coast to drop what they were doing - it wasn't Xerox's core business. Tektronix and IBM didn't get it. But Jobs did. And the Xerox PARC guys were amazed how Jobs got it, since Xerox, Tektronix, and IBM didn't. Some at PARC realised it was the end of the road there, so those like Alan Kay and Larry Tesler left PARC to further this technology at Apple. They went on Apple's payroll, so were rewarded for their efforts.

Apple still took considerable risks to develop this technology. The other part of the story is how PARC machines cost nearly $100,000, but Apple managed to put it in a machine selling for $10,000 (the Lisa), and then $2,000 (the Mac).

Apple also did not exactly copy the PARC interface. Pull down menus at the top of the screen were Apple's innovation.

Now Bill Gates did illegally copy Apple's stuff - particularly Quickdraw that was Raskin's.

So when people say "Well, Apple just copied off Xerox" - they really don't know what they are talking about.

And THIS is how you do it, Apple: Huawei shames Cupertino with under-glass sensor

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

So, what was this about?

I read the article because Register put Apple in the headline. But this really has nothing to do with Apple.

So what is Register saying, that if anyone else in the world innovates, it must be Apple's fault for having not done that? That would seem a compliment to Apple as being the biggest innovator, and others shouldn't dare to do anything.

Or is it just the usual general spray at Apple that Register has? So anytime a competitor does something Apple does not have (or do), Apple is shamed for not having thought of it, or not doing it?

DRAM makers sued (yet again) for 'fixing prices' (yet again) of chips

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

Samsung tax

People and the Register love to point out there is an "idiot" Apple, whether true or not. But it seems that the real ones imposing tax are Samsung and the others.

Apple's magical quality engineering strikes again: You may want to hold off that macOS High Sierra update...

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

Yes, Register gets it wrong

Like you said, you could be wrong. Again making some big deal about ‘secrecy’ in Apple. I remember with mainframe work when an update came, you’d print out the notes which would be several hundred pages, mainly for developers. Software moves much faster now, but most users have no interest in this stuff. Developers get it from other sources. Apple is secretive with information that other vendors can pick up because Apple has been severly burnt many times. So there is no case here.

Register then brings up that Apple secretly updated and rolled back the new file system during an update. Actually, this was the most comprehensive test in history. Apple showed a great deal of responsibility to take the care to do this. But Register puts on its usual anti-Apple spin.

And this story after I read the article about wireless charging that praised Samsung, even though Samsung seemed to have little to do with the story.

Register needs to get over its chip on the shoulder about Apple.

Samsung-backed gizmo may soon juice up your smartphone over the air

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

Almost nothing to do with Samsung

This story seemed to have almost nothing to do with Samsung. Maybe Register has reported it badly, or just used it as an excuse to talk up how good Samsung is.

Why a merged Apple OS is one mash-up too far

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

Re: OS !== UX && OS !== CPU

I should also say that Linux running end-user computing is not a good idea. It was a rushed job by Google to use Linux, just because it was there.

However, Linux monolithic kernel architecture makes it less secure. But it is faster. That is OK in data centres where security is monitored by professionals who install software very judiciously. But this manual approach is not good for end-users (even when we're professionals who know about security). We want security to be automatic and to guard against malicious software that we might have - for good intentions - installed.

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

Re: OS !== UX && OS !== CPU

(OS ≠ UX and OS ≠ CPU to put this programming gobbledegook in nicer language.)

I agree, the article seems to confuse orthogonal (independent) issues. The chip that is running a Mac (or iOS device) is orthogonal to the CPU.

A CPU designed from the ground up for today's environment should include security as low as possible to do bounds checking, prevent injected code, etc. (This is the semantic disservice that C has done the industry, separate to the syntactic mess above!)

However, the article makes an important point that mixing touch screen and keyboard/mouse interfaces is like mixing oil and water.

Perhaps the lesson is that most of the industry throws in features without considering what the implications of the mix is, whereas Apple seems to consider those questions before just rushing in.

This happens at all levels - just look at programming in C++, the most awful mixture of everything that anyone can think of, accompanied with many misleading excuses about how powerful that is and that C/C++ do not get in the way of what the programmer wants to do. Actually the mixing oil and water very much gets in the way.

OK, who is shooting at Apple staff buses in California? Knock it off

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

Metaphor for Comments

Seems a sad parallel to the pot shots at Apple in many of the comments on Register.

Samsung's Galaxy 9s debut, with not much other than new cameras

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

New features are hard

As noted in the story and comments, not much new. Apple would be criticised for this. But it really shows, we have reached a limit in this space. You can up the specs a little in hardware, etc. This allows some innovation in software such as AR and face recognition, but even with software, where to go from here?

It is only 10 months since the S8 release and if I had bought the S8, I'd be feeling somewhat miffed that a new major (in terms of upping the number)/minor (in terms of features) release was so soon.

More than ever, this seems a marketing release by Samsung. Perhaps they wanted '9' to symbolically be between 8 and X.

iPhone X 'slump' is real, whisper supply chain moles

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

"Samsung has provided confirmation that iPhone X sales are way below Apple's estimates"

Oh, and that's supposed to be a reliable source? I small another Samsung rat.

A quick web search on sales of iPhone X shows a lot of stories late 2017 saying sales were disappointing, but most 2018 stories showing sales are good. Just pick the story you want to believe.

But beware of comments from Samsung. And since they seem to be supplying the screen to Apple, comment on this would be highly unethical if not illegal, even if it were true.

Hot NAND: Samsung wheels out 30TB SSD monster

Ian Joyner Bronze badge


“There is no datasheet we've been able to find for the PM1643, no availability information and no price indications for what is an OEM drive”

Curious? Is this the old preannounce strategy because the competition already has something in the marketplace, so "we will steal their sales"? I like "Sammy" (ugh) less and less.

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

"Question what file system are they using?"

Any file system should be orthogonal to (separate and independent of) the hardware technology.

Apple to devs: Code for the iPhone X or nothing from April onwards

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

Not news at all

Apple always tells developers to use the latest API. That's a good thing. And they have WWDC mid year to tell developers what they are up to.

Change is the raison d'être of the software industry.

Apple have always been excellent in bringing about change and either making it available to developers or transparent so they don't have to worry. That seems to be the case with the notch and is all they are doing here.

HomePod, you say? Sex sex sex, that's all you think about

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

Stick to the facts

Just report that current base of HomePod might mark a wooden table, so put a cloth underneath until Apple fixes it (as I'm sure they will). The rest of this article is junk and very boring reading.

Face, face, face! Apple, TrueDepth and a nose-driven iPhone X game

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

"The whole point of Apple is expensive" - just incorrect.

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

Re: Really....

You mean the finger scanner you can still buy in iPhone 8? Just buy one of those for finger and cheaper price.

No, Samsung, you really do owe Apple $120m for patent infringement

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

Re: Who invented what?

Good answer. I mostly agree. I'd just say that I think the round corner thing is akin to getting Al Capone on tax evasion. Sometimes the law doesn't get an offender on the obvious offence.


Some copying of Apple is good. But the case against it is that a company can take a lot of risk with a technology and have spent of lot of money developing and perfecting it as Apple has done. Then others do a really cheap copy and market it as being the same. Look at Microsoft with Windows - rushed to market in 1983 to beat Macintosh. However, in that case MS really did steal some of Apple's programming.

It seems obvious now that Macintosh and then iPhone should have been a success. But when developing a product, you can do your best, but there is always the stress that it just will not be accepted. And yes, we could say that Apple does not leave the acceptance factor to chance either.

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

Re: Who invented what?

Thanks. Plenty of information to back up that Kodak invented OLED, NOT Samsung.


I disagree that Apple swallows up companies. Yes they have bought some technology where it suits what they are doing and company wants to sell.

The real swallowers were IBM and Microsoft as a tactic more to put competition out of business. There is a difference.

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

Re: Who invented what?

"The first GUI driven desktop operating system? Nope. Not in-house. Licensed from Xerox."

You are oversimplifying history and getting it wrong. Xerox PARC developments were not understood by Xerox management. They invited IBM, Tektronix and Apple to come and have a look. IBM and Tektronix didn't get it either, but Apple did and mainly because they were already doing similar stuff. Hence some Xerox PARC technology was given to Apple to take the risk on it.

"Apple can be best characterised as a company that buys in good ideas, covers them in shiny aluminium and then sells them at an exorbitant markup"

As in the correct history of Apple and Xerox, Apple understands technology that others don't, take the risk to put it into products. When products succeed, it's just sour grapes from the rest.

"Let's just call them what they are, though: a fashion house."


"Oh, and, by the way, it is pretty intellectually bankrupt to call people out for not providing evidence of Samsung innovation when you have provided none for Apple!"

No, Apple's innovations are quite apparent for all to see, apart from completely blinded people like yourself who are in a state of denial and falsify history to make their point. That is what intellectual bankruptcy is.

Make Apple, er, America Great Again: iGiant to bring home profits, pay $38bn in repatriation tax

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

It's not just Apple it's every technology company

Heading says it all.

Supermicro crams 36 Samsung 'ruler' SSDs into dense superserver

Ian Joyner Bronze badge


Beware of unannouncements.

You. Apple. Get in here and explain these iOS slowdowns and batteries – US, French govt reps

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

Re: want answers from Apple about its software "update" that slows older iPhones.

"As for Apple themselves, as well as their collective users, they can all rot. All par for the course"

Silly thing to say.

"Why would anyone pay double the price for behind-the-curve technology"

Now that really is fake news - not based on any fact at all.

"It's exactly what you're paying Apple for. Did you not agree with their choice? "

Most people making the beat up are non-Apple users.

""Those who can, do. Those who can't? Apple™.""

Now that is rot. Your stupidity and ignorance are in abundance.

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

Re: Storm in a tea cup

"You are an Apple Shill and I claim my £5"

Not a shill, just correcting the incorrect thinking that is put around. Mostly the battery lasts as long as the phone itself - which is a long time for Apple products. After five years, my iPhone 5 did not require a new battery.

Yes, in a perfect world you might want to replace battery, but then batteries would not run down either. When dealing with the physical world compromises must be made. Apple have chosen this way, which is not unreasonable.

One thing in these discussions is that when someone comes up with a valid reason for what Apple have done, the detractors just retreat to 'fanboy' or 'shill' language.

'BoldMan' just turns out to be another 'Anonymous Coward'.

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

Re: Storm in a tea cup

"If they did, they'd have bragged about it, wouldn't they? They're not in the habit of hiding stuff they're proud of."

This is a silly assessment.

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

Re: Storm in a tea cup

"You mean extended, so it fails just outside their warranty window, due to having a known design fault."

No, it is not a design fault. Batteries and physical things deteriorate with age. Apple have put it in the software to compensate for that.

I see there are many ignorant remarks and 'thumbs down' to my pointing out the truth here. There is no case against Apple. Most remarks come from 'Anonymous Cowards' because they know they are wrong and don't want their words coming back to bite them later.

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

Storm in a tea cup

Apple have quite rightly decided to slow a phone when the battery quality deteriorates. This is not obsolescence - it is extending battery life. That means batteries don't have to be replaced so quickly and thus extends battery life.

Even on a new phone with healthy battery, processor will be slowed when battery loses charge. This is a good feature. Just think if you get into some emergency and your battery is depleted.

Argue what you will - it is really a non-issue.

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

Re: Bring back removable batteries

But removable batteries mean heavier and larger phone, probably also smaller battery which won't last as long. What you are suggesting is the wrong compromise.

Apple agrees to pay £136m in back idiot taxes to UK taxman

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

Re: largest taxpayer in the world

While I agree corporations must pay their taxes...

"BOYCOTT APPLE and any other company with corrupt business practices like this."

It is not a corrupt practice because it is allowed by law.

You will also need to boycott all the tech companies and other companies. They are all doing it.

Ian Joyner Bronze badge


Why is the word 'idiot' in the headline? It does not occur in the article. You need to explain.

Stop us if you've heard this one: Apple's password protection in macOS can be thwarted

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

Re: Who said macs were more secure than Windows?

"my believe is this has been because Windows as the dominant operating system has been the target of pretty much every security researcher and hacker."

No, Windows has always been leaky bucket for security. Mac has always been based on more secure technology, even before Unix-based OS X came along.

"Linux does have a few advantages, it's use in server environments for one."

Yes, Linux is good for professionally-run and rarely updated server systems. But it should not be used as the basis for end-user systems. The reason is that MacOS is Mach based and thus compartmentalises functionality better, whereas Linux is monolithic and that is more of a problem for security. It makes tried-and-tested programs run faster, but in a user environment where apps are loaded from anywhere that is not good.

"Apple has extra time over MS, it seems they spent the time on Shiney bits rather than making sure the foundations are properly solid."

Completely wrong. Apple have very much spent a lot of time on solid foundations. As I said they decided on Mach, not Linux. It's just that the polished exterior are the bits you see. This short-lived password hole is at the upper levels, not down in the guts.

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

Yet another storm in a tea cup

"although a damning indictment of Apple's quality control."

Register overstates again. Seems it was quickly fixed and only on admin user codes which should never be used for normal work anyway. Anyone who has done software development knows it is not possible to test for everything. (Hence the need for the formal verification techniques that have long been dismissed by an immature industry as 'training wheels'.)

Meltdown, Spectre bug patch slowdown gets real – and what you can do about it

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

Re: Catalyst for Industry Rethink

"There are many security features in x86 CPU that went unused because they slow down applications..."

Not really sure what you are saying here. I'll make a few comments anyway.

Features like bounds checking should be orthogonal to instruction set. That is no bounds checking instructions should be added – all instructions should be checked (where necessary). Trusting programmers or compilers to include bounds checking would be naive. That is why I say such things should be built into the lowest hardware levels. They will also be much more efficient there.

An OS and physical view might look at memory as a flat array. But an application will take a structured view where things are entities, objects, etc. It is mapping this structured view onto the flat view that is important and making sure you can't flow from one structure (object) into another. Objects should be encapsulated.

Yes, CPU designers should be interested in a minimal instruction set. My suggestion of CPU (and system) redesign is certainly not to go mad with instructions for every situation - that would be a backward step.

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

"I thought RISC was an approach supported by measurements of actual operations..."

Certainly it is a good idea to find a minimal set of instructions. However, there could be instructions that compilers don't use but are necessary. Certainly, things like bounds checks should be orthogonal to the instruction set. If you need a bounds check instruction subversion is easy - just don't use it.

I don't think the 6800 (6809??) had anything like 6000 op codes. Don't have time to research it now.

I think a lot of misunderstanding is around the RISC issue. Certainly as much decision making is pushed up to compilers (or programmers) as possible. But trusting programmers and compilers is naive at best.

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

Catalyst for Industry Rethink

This is big enough to start an industry rethink. For too long we have given way to the performance needs of scientific processing while ignoring the issues that are faced by the rest of computing - that is security and software correctness, robustness, and reliability. Perhaps computer science courses are responsible for this, since you can objectively measure performance, but the many other factors you can't. So we have a generation of programmers and hardware engineers thinking about the wrong issues.

Scientific programming is actually quite simple, but compute intensive and complex in ideas. These ideas though are succinctly expressed in a few equations. But you have a simple program that runs for ages to get a result (it could be argued this is a simplification). But generally scientific programs are well specified to satisfy a particular goal.

Other computing by comparison is simple, yet the development results in complex and large programs because the goals are much more difficult to define.

I think they got it right in the 1950s to separate COBOL and FORTRAN. I don't like this separation but it seems to have become a fundamental fact because of the very different goals. But in processor design we have tried to merge the two. Security and correctness checks will slow a processor down, so they have been ignored. The RISC vs CISC debate is also where we can see the division, although you can use RISC and CISC for both scientific and the rest (I hesitate to call it business computing these days).

But security must be baked in at as low a level as possible. You really cannot get around that and should not do so. But that is what has been done – security and correctness have been sacrificed for performance. Performance isn't bad – yes give me more of it, but don't sacrifice other crucial issues.

If you don't put security at lower levels, it must be done at higher levels which will cost far more in terms of processor cycles for something which is not as accurate in terms of being implemented in weak heuristics (guesses) rather than strong rules. If these guesses miss, we can get false positives requiring wasted human interaction, or miss a real attack which can end up costing a lot in terms of money and human time. Virus-checking software checks for software that might do a buffer overflow, rather than directly blocking buffer overflows and out-of-bounds access.

We urgently need processors that do bounds checking and other security checks. Security should not be left to MMUs (MMUs themselves seem like an afterthought to provide virtual memory). Yes to do this might require a decade long effort.

In operating systems, we need to get back to microkernels such as Andrew Tanenbaum's Minix that has just a few thousand lines that run in kernel mode, rather than large monolithic kernels that run everything in kernel mode. Maybe revisit MUTLICS and Burroughs B5000 both in architecture and operating system. Systems should be designed as a whole, rather than just a CPU – this should be done by software and security experts, not electronic engineers. We now know that concepts such as virtual memory and security are essential to computing, not to be treated as afterthoughts.

Of course changes to architectures will break a lot of C programs out there – but for the better. We also need to address the issue of systems programming languages as well. C (and C++) have been too weak in terms of security and correctness for far too long, and the industry has got away with this dire situation – up until now that is. Systems programming languages should only be used for operating systems and not extended to applications programming.

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

"Deep pipeline, very high frequencies, speculative execution, multiple execution units, and all the other benefits of RISC?"

These speed up techniques are orthogonal to RISC and architecture – they can be used in any architecture. RISC has somewhat been oversold in this respect.

RISC was originally to get as much on a single chip as possible (by making functionality simple) and thus making things fast, but this is no longer a constraint.

You GNOME it: Windows and Apple devs get a compelling reason to turn to Linux

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

Re: "there are much more suitable options for that"

"I want an OS that is solid, efficient, and works well. Those goals seem to preclude being suitable as a mass market consumer OS."

It is actually more important for a consumer OS to be solid and work well. That is because consumers know little about the running of a computer system, so the system must do everything to protect the consumer (against themselves and others).

The monolithic kernel architecture of Linux is against that. Linux is good at being run on servers where it is run and maintained by professionals who rarely update anything before a lot of testing. Linux is good in that environment, but those who run those environments should not say that Linux is good for all - it is not.

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

Marketing Linux?

Since when has Register become a marketing mouthpiece for Linux. It is a ridiculous headline with nothing much to do with the article.

Developers of end-user systems are best to stay away from Linux which because of its monolithic kernel is less secure (OK, maybe I'm not talking about Windows!). Particularly with the Meltdown and Spectre bugs more security that partition Kernel and User space is needed.

Linux is good for speed – but it gets this at the sacrifice of security. Linux is good for well-managed, seldom-updated environments like servers, but a poor choice for end users.

Woo-yay, Meltdown CPU fixes are here. Now, Spectre flaws will haunt tech industry for years

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

Re: Complete Rethink

"That's a ten year plan.....New CPU architecture don't grow on trees."

What I am also saying is that we need to address the fundamentals. Otherwise we will continue to play catch-up by writing software at higher levels to try to detect what might be wrong but doing it in a way that is mostly guesswork, missing things, and being annoying by guessing false positives.

The next generation of CPU architectures should be designed not only by software people, but those who are expert in security and secure architectures.

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

Re: Complete Rethink

"That's a ten year plan.....New CPU architecture don't grow on trees."

Only ten year? Maybe longer - so the sooner we start the better.

CPU architecture and system-programming languages are well overdue for an overhaul to address the issues of modern computing which is to provide devices useful to people with little or no computer knowledge.

Scientific computing is different, but it should stop dictating to the needs of the many.

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

Complete Rethink

It is time to realise that we have mainly based CPU architectures on scientific computing needs – that is every cycle is precious. But to get that speed we have ignored essential aspects like correctness and security. For general-purpose computing – especially anything connected to the Internet – security must be built in at the lowest levels.

Instead of trying to produce architectures that satisfy both the specifics of scientific computing and general computing the two should be divided. It seems they are irreconcilably different. I have reached this unhappy conclusion (perhaps temporary) after many rounds of debate with C-style programmers who cannot see that security and correctness are of prime importance and the problem with C is it is tuned to a particular way of thinking about CPU architectures.

A complete reevaluation and rethink is needed. It is ambitious and will take a while. But the weak architectures of the past are no longer applicable. Security must be built in at the lowest levels and that includes the hated bounds checks which really are a fundamental of software correctness.

At the lowest levels these can be optimised and built into the electronics as in ASICs or Network Processors (which are more programmable).

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

"When will the tech industry stop coming up with shit ideas such as keyless cars that are just security disasters waiting to happen that are built on fundamental designs and software from the 1960s/70s"

Absolutely agree. However, secure and correct computing and architectures have been around since the early 1960s. Just look at B5000 (now Unisys MCP machines). But scientific computing where every cycle matters rather than security won out.

It is time to separate these two needs. Faster performance comes from faster electronics, not by ignoring fundamental issues because they cost processor cycles.

Yes, your old iPhone is slowing down: iOS hits brakes on CPUs as batteries wear out

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

Re: "Would you rather have shit battery time?" @d3vy

"Apple refuse to police their brand names"

What? Apple gets slammed fro this all the time. I'm surprised anyone can make this comment.

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

Re: A good feature

"Changing batteries is better for the environment than buying a new phone."

So your choice would be to change the battery. Good for you, nothing is stopping you doing that.

Ian Joyner Bronze badge

Re: New battery

"Problem is that the Apple configuration will still be there if you buy a new battery."

No, this software is monitoring battery performance. A new battery will restore performance. It's all part of the power management software to give you the best use out of the battery.

While software never deteriorates, physical hardware does. This software is to compensate for this fact.
