* Posts by Altered Ego

7 publicly visible posts • joined 26 May 2014

Drowning in code: The ever-growing problem of ever-growing codebases

Altered Ego

Re: Spot on.

Curiously Hitler was an abysmal manager *on purpose*. It is a well known ploy of people at the top of the power tree to assign overlapping responsibilities to their underlings so that they spend a great deal of time on internal turf wars to gain power over their peers - which distracts them from forming alliances to depose the obergruppenfuhrer.

Truly great leaders don't feel compelled to do this.

Nationwide’s online banking goes down again

Altered Ego


I was called in to a Sunday meeting with a Building Society which was migrating and merging the IT systems of a rival which it had taken over some years earlier.

The PM was so tired he could barely walk. He had worked every day for 18 months, with 1 and a half days off. I made sure I never banked with them. It also brought home the importance of holidays and


Guess who doesn't have to pay $1.3bn in back taxes? Of course it's fscking Google

Altered Ego

Sweetheart deals

Of course these multinationals don't like paying Corp. Tax in any country, so they agree a "Sweetheart" deal to pay minimal "tax" in the notional head office country. So many countries to choose from that they can take the lowest bidder.

Pirate icon seems appropriate.

MH-370 search loses sharpest-eyed robot deep beneath the waves

Altered Ego

re: Satellite Tracker

The reports at the time stated that tracking is part of the spec of the satellite comms on the aircraft, but there is an extra charge for using the tracking option.....

we do like the idea of our air travel being as cheap as possible.

Well, what d'you know: Raising e-book prices doesn't raise sales

Altered Ego

(btw what is the opposite of an oxymoron ?...)

I would say "a tautology", a word I can never remember until half an hour after I wanted it.


LEAKED Qualcomm processors reveal sexy new specs

Altered Ego

The big and little cores use a different doping process, so the little cores are optimised for low leakage currents. It seems likely that there is only a single process at 14nm, so there is less to be gained from

having a little processor on the die. They can still reduce or stop the clocks to save power.

Pirate Party runs aground in European Parliamentary elections

Altered Ego

Re: In the UK ...

Have you seen "The Rise and Rise of Michael Rimmer"?

At least we seem to have been spared ID cards for another year or two. Not sure how that happened....

And how does one stop a runaway HS2?