* Posts by ldjfaskjla

5 publicly visible posts • joined 26 May 2014

Huawei guns for Apple with Mac-alike Matebook X


Re: Looks good

First rule of portrait photography is don't shoot up into your subjects face unless you want them to look scary or foreboding.

Facebook is abusive. It's time to divorce it


Re: Well-said, Simon

The DSM doesn't classify anyone as a psychopath (it's not even a diagnosis). Sociopath on the other hand...

Post-pub nosh neckfiller: Southern biscuits and gravy


Re: Other variations

Red Eye Gravy is the drippings of country ham (very salty smoked ham from the south/east of the US) mixed with coffee. Serve it up with the ham, grits and an egg if you wish. Amazing! It's a grease-fest that will leave you thirsty for days!

Dropbox-but-with-an-actual-box firm touts new biz appliances


Re: personal use

Yea, I was gonna say, 10 grand for this or owncloud.



but, does it work now?

does it actually work now? I went to an apple sanctioned two day 'workshop' on how to configure os x server for device deployment at an apple campus last year. after two day of listening to the lectures and configuring the ipads/ipods/server, it didn't work. The apple 'experts' in charge of the workshop just kinda' brushed over the failure and gave us a few trinkets and said "and that's how easy it is!" amusing.