* Posts by Psidum

4 publicly visible posts • joined 24 May 2014

Dot-gay bid fails again: This time because it is too gay


Re: So let me get this right

You are talking about an ideal and using it as the basis of your argument. Furthermore the problems that gay people face are different throughout the world. Problems in the west are very different to say problems in the east, middle east or in Africa were people are jailed or killed as a result of the sexuality.

Paraphrasing an ideal then using it as a gotcha misses the point. In the real world you have to grab and make use of what you can to make life better for yourself, a concept hardly limited to the gay community.

I don't get the point behind .gay. That said it's existence hardly maligns the gay community.

Windows 10: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE to Microsoft's long apology for Windows 8


Clean Install Availability Problematic?

Tech and enthusiast community seam to be gravitating towards the clean install disc image. Problem is they won't have device id to activate their shiny new system. Only way to get it seams to be going through the update process then extracting it from the upgraded OS.

Wonder how all these people will feel when they realize they need to reinstall their previous OS, update it, wait in que for upgrade, then upgrade to windows 10. Knowing how people react inconvenience I am sure this wont be an issue ;)

How Microsoft's cloud aims to cover the world


where do i sign up?

Being tied to Microsoft for services as well as tech. Sure, nothing negative has ever come out of such a relationship with Microsoft in the past. Their 'cloud' model is tried and tested technology with no reports of mishaps and issues.

A sound strategy for any business.

Google Fiber says it's happy to let Netflix onto its 'fast lane' for free


Re: You've missed the point

Why not he is right?

Google always act in their own interest and sometimes it is not in the communities interest (RSS Feed software, etc).

It is easy to forget since when their interests do align with the general community their marketing department go in to "white knight" overdrive.

It is still a win for US broadband customers but you need to take in to consideration the reasoning Google are going in this direction and more importantly how permanent their position will be.