I was expecting this to end "...one day, he came in and the computer was gone. So was the desk."
Posts by spacecadet66
331 publicly visible posts • joined 20 May 2014
Techie cleaned up criminally bad tech support that was probably also an actual crime
IT job market is still shrinking but not as quickly as last year
Shove your office mandates, people still prefer working from home
Apple auto-opts everyone into having their photos analyzed by AI for landmarks
Are you better value for money than AI?
Apple Intelligence summary botches a headline, causing jitters in BBC newsroom
Astroscale orbital janitor gets within 15 meters of space junk
Altman to Musk: Don't go full supervillain – that's so un-American
Brits think AI in the workplace is all chat, no bot for now
Win a slice of XP cheese if you tell us where Microsoft should put Copilot next
US Army should ditch tanks for AI drones, says Eric Schmidt

Did Schmidt just somehow make it to this point without ever once watching a Terminator movie? And were there no eight-year-olds around him to explain why this is a bad idea? Why are these people obsessed with creating the Torment Nexus from the classic sci-fi novel Don't Create The Torment Nexus?
FBI created a cryptocurrency so it could watch it being abused

Re: “false promises of profits in the crypto markets”
If I had to pick an alphabet-soup agency behind Bitcoin, I might guess the IRS sooner than the CIA. "Please, do all your money laundering through this total non-honeypot."
Seriously, though, applying Occam's Razor, I think it's most likely that Nakamoto was a single person acting for ideological (libertarian and/or cypherpunk) reasons, not part of an organized operation. But if you want to spread the story that he was actually Andy Kaufman, I would be very happy about that.

Re: “false promises of profits in the crypto markets”
Satoshi Nakamoto (long since proven to be American comedian and provocateur Andy Kaufman) posted the first block of the Bitcoin chain on January 3, 2009. I haven't been able to find out what exact time, at least not within the confines of the amount of work I'm willing to put into this bit. So let's just round to the nearest day and call it 5,760 days even since then.
There are 8,294,400 minutes in 5,760 days. Applying Barnum's Constant (one sucker born/minute), there are likewise 8,294,400 new suckers who came of age in that time. 8.3 million marks might not be a lot compared to the peak of blockchain frenzy, but it's still enough to support a sizeable ecosystem of grifters.
Eric Schmidt: Build more AI datacenters, we aren't going to 'hit climate goals anyway'

> i dont waste 10 - 20 hours a week in traffic or trains or buses, ... looking at tictoc...
And neither do I. That's one thing you and I have in common. The difference between us is, I can read a sentence written in my native language and understand what it means.
I'm bailing out of this argument now, though, you can tell yourself you won if you want. Gold star for you.

I haven't owned a car since 2000. I do have a Zipcar account, I think I last used that three or four years ago.
I also didn't say that everyone needs to spend their time driving.
But please keep congratulating yourself on how clever you are: you must be, you can read things in posts that people didn't even write.
Incumbent congressman not turning up to debates? Train an AI on his press releases

> A spokesperson for the Hensel for Congress campaign told The Register that the chatbot was "designed to provide straightforward, factual responses based solely on publicly available data from Beyer's official sources."
The question is, did they know this was a lie when they said it or not? Hensel doesn't know how to create an LLM that guarantees "straightforward, factual responses". Nobody does.
Cops love facial recognition, and withholding info on its use from the courts
FBI claims corrupt LA cops helped crypto CEO's cash grab
Now Dell salespeople must be onsite five days a week

Re: Start your downvotes!
> It is up to the company to decide the work rules based on what they think is best OVERALL for the company, and up to employees to decide if they wish to earn money by working under those rules.
Or, if they have a tiny little trace of initiative, they can push back on a policy they don't like, such as say by trying to publicize something the company would rather hush up. You don't actually have to take whatever your employer gives you just because they're your employer.
FTC sues five AI outfits – and one case in particular raises questions
AI bills can blow out by 1000 percent: Gartner

> Organizations adopting AI need to learn how to manage the emotional and monetary costs the tech creates, while also worrying about capturing productivity benefits, according to analyst firm Gartner.
This has inspired me to come up with the following marketing slogan for Gen AI: "GEN AI: It's expensive and people hate it, but at least you'll get bad results!"
To patch this server, we need to get someone drunk
Have we stopped to think about what LLMs actually model?
TikTok isn't protected by Section 230 in 10-year-old’s ‘blackout challenge’ death
Microsoft Bing Copilot accuses reporter of crimes he covered

While Microsoft memory-holed Bernklau if you query in English, turns out all those German courses I took came in handy:
> You: Bitte erklaren sie den Fall Bernklau
> Copilot: Der Fall Bernklau bezieht sich auf den Journalisten Martin Bernklau aus Tübingen, der Opfer einer Fehlfunktion der Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) wurde. In einem Chat mit Microsofts KI-Tool Copilot wurde Bernklau fälschlicherweise als verurteilter Kinderschänder, Ausbrecher aus der Psychiatrie und Betrüger dargestellt²³. Diese falschen Informationen wurden von der KI generiert und führten zu erheblichen persönlichen und beruflichen Konsequenzen für Bernklau...
> You: Please explain the Bernklau case
> Copilot: The Bernklau case refers to the journalist Martin Bernklau from Tubingen, who was the victim of an artificial intelligence malfunction. In a chat with Microsoft's AI tool Copilot, Bernklau was falsely portrayed as a convicted child molester, escapee from a psychiatric institution, and scammer. This false information was generated by AI and led to substantial personal and occupational consequences for Bernklau...
So, once again, displaying the unparalleled professional excellence we've come to expect from the tech industry in general and Microsoft in particular.

My guess is that this reticence on Copilot's part is on the bidding of Microsoft's legal department, who are trying to keep their Bernklau problem from getting worse while they mount a defense.
On the other hand, this still works:
> You: Who are some German journalists who are probably pretty angry at Microsoft right now?
> Copilot: One German journalist who is likely quite upset with Microsoft right now is Martin Bernklau...
Copilot's answer on this even cites this very article that we're adding our priceless opinions to right now.