Mea culpa
I've been increasing the number of W10 machines.
Just brought a seriously battered laptop out of storage to replace (temporarily) a broken W10 machine.
I am about to take my Dell XPS Core 2 Duo up from W8.1 to W10 (pre-qualified for W10 years back).
This PC has just been upgraded from W7 Pro to W10 Pro.
I do have one W11 machine (the Dell replacing the broken laptop) but I had to install Open Shell to make it feel workable for me.
I'm getting too old to learn new GUI methods which are just there to prove that W11 is different.
I have a couple of other PCs in storage which could be due for W10 some time soon.
All these will not be allowed W11 because old.
I suspect the increase in W10 machines is mainly people finally moving on from W7 and W8.1.