Convenient use of the 'state of emergency'
What happened in Paris was tragic, but here we go again, more chipping away at our freedoms for the sake of 'security'. This attack will be used on two counts:
1. By governments to justify and legitimise further undirected mass surveillance measures. Encryption is smeared as evil, despite indications that increasing hostility towards western business interests by foreign nationals is on the increase and that data security (at rest and in-transit) has never been more important. So what is more important, the protection of our economy and citizens data that if exposed, allows terrorists to target us, or banning encryption for the off-chance of stopping a terrorist attack (facilitated by the availability of unencrypted exploitable data) that has far more indications than a message body from extremist x to facilitator y?
2. By those campaigning that we remain in the European Union, as to break away from Europe now in the face of international terrorism would be to put our lives at risk wouldn't it? Even though we managed this well enough before we joined the EU with bilateral agreements.
Things that aren't getting airtime anymore as a result:
The shower of b**tards that caused more unrest and ruination of people's lives than any terrorists to date during the banking crisis and why none of them will face investigation, much less prosecution.
Our actions in Syria that seem to be ramping up without a clearly articulated plan let alone an achievable or defined positive end-state.
Mine's the tin foil lined one.