* Posts by RamsBottom

7 publicly visible posts • joined 8 May 2014

Weakened Apple slab grab sees Q1 growth slump to RECORD LOW


"Cupertino had more luck with Mac shipments, bouncing 4.3 per cent to 4.1m, which helped keep it on top of the global PC market."

On top? Global PC market? Nice try, but the subsequent sleight-of-hand, smoke-and-mirrors juggling of terminology - PC / desktop / client / desktop / tab - used quite, um, "selectively" doesn't fool anyone who can keep on top of numbers. (*)

(*) Iit probably fools some "creatives". But they already like iShiny, so why bother?

percentages and numbers


Re: ??

"I don't see where the pace of new product introductions is different than it was under Jobs. The only reason people have this idea that Apple has suddenly stagnated for new products in a way they didn't under Jobs is because the media gave it to them."

Oh. Yeah. The media. Of course.

And Jobs had nothing to do with that. Of course.

Cost-cutting Barclays bank swings axe on 5,600 IT and ops bods


'with "duplicate" job titles and functions eliminated'

Does that mean Barclays will be the first bank employing only one w****r?

Architect of Apple's total-silence public relations policy leaves


Re: @ Lallabalalla (what the hell does that mean? :)

"lying their asses off"




"In a geek appropriate example, James T. Kirk and Jean Luc Picard were both shitty admirals, but great captains. The simply didn't think strategically, but were top of field in tactical planning and actions."

Quite apropriate to reference the source of Apple original designs:


Britain'll look like rural Albania without fracking – House of Lords report


>bodies of hyperthermic OAP's pile up in the streets this (and every other) Winter

I'd heard of AGW (*), but is it really going to get this extreme?

Or did you just not check a dictionary before typing 'hyperthermic'?

(*) Quite a well-known concept, outside ElReg Science Corner. (Where the difference between 'hypo' and 'hyper' is also understood).