Anger over the wrong thing.
Look at the bill in perspective and then calm down. Yes its your privacy, yes it sucks and yes its open to abuse by the powers that be. But its already been happening for years, the horse bolted, left the stable and has now been rendered into glue.
Get some big pants on and look for a technical work around if it fucks you off that much. You know, GRE+IPSEC, TOR, VPN.... the experts are right, the villans will find a way around and you will paint a bullseye on your back, but you will still get to sleep with the smug privacy smile on your face. Or an here is a novel thought, DO NOT VOTE FOR THE FUCKERS next time around. Start the PRIVACY PARTY for government or some such movement, but whatever you do do not assume someone else will fix the mess for you, that is how we arrived here. At least in the UK you have the right to protest, unlike China (Tiananmen square for those too young to pick up on the reference).
For me I know they have done this shit for ages anyway and have had far easier ways of getting incriminating data (like credit card, bank card, telephone usage or 4K 360 degree CCTV and facial recognition). So if making it public shines a light on it, makes things a bit more proportional AND makes the UK a bit safer for my kids for later on in life then that is a price "I" am happy to pay, you might feel differently, if so then say "thank fuck for a democracy".
Then again this could all degenerate into animal farm.