* Posts by Rocksalt

5 publicly visible posts • joined 6 May 2014

Silent Circle revamps secure smartphone


And yet for all its cleverness

you still have to put a cracked network sim into the super secure phone rendering it pretty much pointless

Until the encryption key are reset in SIMS, or a new batch of proven sims can be released... no phone is safe form the spooks

Just WHY is the FBI so sure North Korea hacked Sony? NSA: *BLUSH*


The Real position

So, NSA cracks the NORK network some time back and lay passively watching( listening) to the glorious leader swearing whilst playing warcraft.. and getting his Gnome stomped on by a Taruen Warrior.

For the sake of argument, lets just assume its true and the NORKS actually did traverse the world internet routes to poke at Sony.. and they NSA didn't mention anything otherwise it would tip the NORKS that they had been compromised... ok so this is one of those collateral damage type of ploys that are played out across the spooky world intelligence theatre's world wide and will continue for eons to come...

It's circles within circles, plans within plans, bluff within bluff....

What you all don't realise is its all a grand stage, played by all the nations... the NORKS have been set-up to be the bad guys, the US the good guys.. to distracts us from the real threat invading our fair world... behind the headlines, we are secretly being invaded and the world governments are waging war together as a united front .. against... the might of the brain sucking leeches from the planet ZERG

The glorious leader is but playing his small and humble part of being a despotic foaming at the mouth type of tyrant to lull the leeches into a false sense of security.. they can't invade NORK as they have nothing of value there, hence, global operations against this threat are based there... pretty smart eh? who would ever think of looking in the one place the world and his dog thinks are run by democratic hating nuclear toting human rights violating maniacs.. not i.. and certainly not the leeches who are probably phasic in nature just like in the Voyager episode where the crew are experimented on by phasic beings.... make much more sense than to expect a normal and humane society not to deny its citizens the right to fully express themselves when they want to and how they want to.

Pretty simple to a simple mind.. a quote from a solider fighting in Israel in the war they had in the 70's .. when asked why he thought the arabs hated the jews so much... the soldier said, it's not them personally, its the heat in their heads... they wrap the towel around their heads and sort of fry their brains, sends them a bit mad.....

To this day, i believe it's the Leeches

MYSTERIOUS Siberia CRATER: ALIENS or METEOR not involved, officials insist


nope.. your all wrong... its Cross rail gone and taken a left at kings cross


Not an explosion

if you look at the picture carefully and take a minute to think what physical process might have been in play to cause the cratering of this, plus the depth of the whole, plus the fact that there is little ejecta around the outside of the crater.... this is either a slow drill hole or something else that has physically bored its way in from a vertical position.. that's up and down to you rednecks :P

the second picture shows inside the shaft... it looks pretty smooth, to a uniform tooth has chewed away from vertical up heading down, although the hole doesn't look uniformly circular that might be due to angle, light and camera...

Note the blacked inner portion of the crater prime... the gradient colours from inside ( dark black ) to outside to crate walls ( light cream coloured) this show that something bored down and ejected up in a screw fashion internal debris... however, the colours do not match ( maybe dryness or moisture content issues here ?) it looks like the rock/soil was subjected to some heat AFTER the crater was formed, not at the point of penetration.

Anyone got any ideas ?

Asteroids as powerful as NUCLEAR BOMBS strike Earth TWICE YEARLY


In the End....

So picture the scene... years of talking, arguing belittling the costs, crying about who owns what etc... we know the problem, and we have many solutions, but in the end it all costs money, and that's something no one government has enough of to make any plan worth while in a time frame that would benefit the planet in general.

Having said that, even if a city was leveled, i'd bet my last bag of malteasers that they would all stand shoulder to shoulder and promise everything, politicians at the front, SCI-Academ's behind supporting them.. and still nothing would get done. Second suburban area gets flattened ( maybe 10 years on ) and then someone puts their hands in their pockets and then the typical who owns what and who pays for which and what nation gets to do what starts... 30 years on we are still effectively in the same place... head firmly buried in the sands reading statistical journals by torch light.

If something needs doing.. then by god just freaking well do it!!!!