Re: gummint shouldn't pay for anything
@JOHN 104
I'm sick to death of those who constantly blame "lazy fucks" when they've managed to live a magical life and automatically assume that everyone one else in the entire freakin' world has the same access to assistance when life gets tough (either via the government, family or friends) and the same access to education and employment when life is otherwise carefree.
I'm also sick to death of asshats who automatically think that if you, as an individual or politician, give a single flying fuck about anybody in the world besides yourself, then you're a "libtard". And in case you missed it, the "libtard" that initially approved the free phones was the patron saint of conservatives, Reagan, who ironically would be labelled a libtard if he was involved in politics today.
It's a tough world when the people who benefit more from a country's resources have pay a bit more than others for that privilege, rather than sit back and laugh while the less fortunate whither off from disease and starvation. Poor you.