Actual user here
I thought that I would add this little review. I have been using Dex as my main work machine for a few months now (4) and tbh I love it.
The ability to have the phone, complete with text messages, etc... at my finger tips is amazing. The Office apps with OneDrive integration works really well. The samsung mail client to Exchange has a lot of features including bullet points, colours, tabs etc... allowing me to write email that the Outlook or Gmail app simply can not do. The clincher here, it integrates the main callender which means that I can see personal and work in 1 - amaze balls!
Now, the bad, but to stress this is not the bad with the concept or the implementation more the ways apps run....
Google sheets is terrible. It's a scale up of the smaller screen - horrible!
Map browsing is challenging unless you have multitouch pad (either screen or logitech T650 works well)
Onenote is limited
Phone calls - either speaker or headset. Never had an issue going in and out of dock during calls (normal, skype etc...)
Now more good - Start up time - F*** fast. Stability - yes, functions yes. Constant improvements with patching - yes.