Microsoft are desperately trying to commit suicide
By killing off VBA.
However, it is not just that there is a lot of VBA out there. It is the fact that VBA is *MUCH* better than JavaScript.
I am not talking about the fact that it uses nice End Ifs instead of messy {}s. Nor even the fact that it has proper static typing. But the fact that it is tightly integrated with Excel.
Pres Alt-F11 and you are in the VBA editor. Type [A1] and you are referencing the cell. Press ctrl-S and you have saved the function. JavaScript requires a complex deployment strategy that is way beyond end users that just want to get stuff done.
Excel even has a macro recorder that will write the code for you. Bad code, but no need to look up object properties, just hack the generated code to generalize it.
But the biggest issue is that JavaScript runs client side, while VBA runs server side. So to get any sort of performance out of JavaScript you need to write complex Futures code. Try explaining that to a user that just wants to get stuff done.
So Microsoft has been ignoring VBA for a decade but cannot let it die.
.Net for Excel is already pretty dead. I reckon that the JavaScript will also die in time. But in 2050 VBA will still be there!
But to Microsoft Product Managers the only question is what's HOT and what's NOT. Cloud is hot, VBA is not.