* Posts by whitegoat

2 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Apr 2014

Watch your brain LIVE in 3D, then train your mind from inside it


Mind Control ???

Can something you control with your mind be used to control your mind??? I wouldn't touch this with 20 year olds 10 foot cyber pole. Pls tell me your not too stupid to see what this is really to be used for...duh!

Internet is a tool of Satan that destroys belief, study claims


The Teflon God & his Whipping Boy

If only religion could have figured out the incest thingy maybe knowledge wouldn't have gain a foothold. Gawd I miss good old fashion ignorance, maybe I'll join the Teaparty.."ignorance for all". The decline in religion started long before the web was in place, the web is most likely an accelerator of an on going trend. If you can't eat, spend or screw it..who cares? Welcome to the 3rd millennium...