* Posts by bearded bearcan

11 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Apr 2014

Boffins spy I in your little eye

bearded bearcan

Awesome! Start issuing 39megapixel cameras to registered sex offenders and IS immediately!!

Japan pauses asteroid BOMBING raid – still no word from Bruce Willis?

bearded bearcan

This is a South Park reference

'Fuck You Dolphin!, Fuck You Whale!, Fuck You Asteroid!'

I'M SO SORRY, sobs Rosetta Brit boffin in 'sexist' sexy shirt storm

bearded bearcan

This is all so terribly terribly wrong

You land a probe on a comet - you get to wear any shirt you want.

It's space WAR: Comet launches fireballs at space-invading EARTH

bearded bearcan

Did you not get the memo?



Comet 67/P





Stray positrons caught on ISS hint at DARK MATTER source

bearded bearcan

Balancing the balance

My checking account currently holds $10.000. That is $90k short of the car I want. But the equation works if I just add enough dark currency

SPACE: The FINAL FRONTIER. These are the TEN-YEAR images of star probe Cassini

bearded bearcan

Now imagine

we skip building the next aircraft carrier and build something really cool instead, like this

Physicist proposes 1,000-foot state-sized walls to stop tornadoes

bearded bearcan

That'll work.

Internet is a tool of Satan that destroys belief, study claims

bearded bearcan

Re: Build schools not temples!

Whohoa! That hit a few nerves. Ok so not *most* of the aid has gone to rebuilding houses of worship and superstition. *Some* of the money has been wasted on such nonsense. And that makes me sad and angry. A penny spent on a temple of any kind is a penny wasted. Who agrees?


bearded bearcan

Build schools not temples!

But off course. The internet is a GREAT source of information (du-uh). The level of superstition is inversely proportional to your level of knowledge. Only a select few obviously crazy but educated people would try to pray a rocket into space.

Some of my tax money has been spent on 'rebuilding' Afghanistan over the past 12 years. Most of that money, I suspect, have been used to build mosques rather than schools. That makes me so angry I wanna ..

UFO, cosmic ray or flasher? NASA rules on Curiosity curiosity

bearded bearcan

Could it be a rock resembling Australia?

That would be something!

Curiosity finds not-very-Australian-shaped rock on Mars

bearded bearcan

How is this article even worth the 45193 bytes?

I think the Kardashians are more newsworthy. At least they have nice butts.