Wouldn't ...
"Caravan Of Courage II" be more up Disney's street?
399 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Jan 2007
"Regardless of the merits of this car, you really still think that the most energy efficient way to move a car around is the 120-year old internal combustion engine?"
Try reading what I posted again.
Electric cars will be the solution. In countries that don't produce the majority of electricity from burning oil and gas.
In the mean time, more efficient small turbo-charged petrol engines are the way to go.
Not half-arsed eco-bling solutions like Toyota's Prius.
Plug-in cars in a country where most electricity is generated by Gas/Coal: FAIL
Hybrids: An electric car dragging a combustion engine/transmission/fuel tank around
or a conventional car lugging electric motors and a massive battery pack around: FAIL
Better idea would be to switch to small, highly tuned turbo petrol solution such as
FPT's TwinAir, if you want to be eco-minded about your personal transport.
Because "renewables" in the UK are an Eco-scam:
No amount of wind turbines and PV panels will solve the UKs looming energy crisis.
And the amount of energy expended in obtaining the resources for and then fabricating PV panels will always be more than they generate. (Assuming dirty panels, on fixed roof mounts in a northern European climate.)
Thumbs-up for the efficiency drive though.
...and look where we've ended up:
Large touch-screen slabs with icon driven GUIs and no buttons to control volume or answer/hang-up a call.
Makes everyone look like Dom Joly or an 80s throwback.
(I waited for the Sendo-X but settled on a Panasonic X700 as my first "smart" phone.)
He bought the elongated piscine from a pet shop but got home to find he'd locked himself out.
So he attempted to climb a handy ladder to get in through an upper floor window, while still holding
the bag containing said eel, and promptly fell; landing on the bag and ending up with the eel in his rectum.
All totally plausible.
Both brands are up to the job although Crumpler are more photo oriented.
Recently sent a 10 year old Victorinox laptop briefcase in for repairs as the expansion zip had given up the ghost. (Even after hasty repairs effected a few years back in a hotel room.) I rarely use it these days as the backpack style is safer on the old back.
I got a call saying, sorry it was unrepairable and they'd be sending a new one instead.
Can't beat the Victorinox lifetime warranty.