* Posts by Proc

1 publicly visible post • joined 29 Mar 2014

iFixit boss: Apple has 'done everything it can to put repair guys out of business'


Stop your crying

Reverse engineering is actually an excellent way to understand something fully. So what if apple doesn't say "here's exactly how to fix it?" So you have to do a little WORK to earn that buck? Gee whizz.. Think of that.

Yes I am being snarky because the CEO and author come across a whiney cry babies. Do you really think ANY OTHER MANUFACTURER wants non certified techs mucking around with their equipment while trying to maintain a warranty on it? Sure, you can hire that mechanic down the street for your van, and he may or may not be qualified to replace the wiring harness, but you are on your own if he screws it up and then folds up shop a month later.

Btw, the author has no idea about jailbreaking, so why continue to spread the FUD about it? Being jaikbroken doesn't instantly make your device void of its physical warranty. When an Apple tech sees a jailbroken device, the first thing, naturally, they want do is to wipe it and do a fresh restore to see if the problem remains (if it is software related, like wifi & other issues). Physical issues? Never had a problem with getting support at the store and having a jailbroken device. So just shaddup with the "jaikbroken? Then your screwed" crap already.