* Posts by Disintermediation

3 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Mar 2014

Lies, damn lies and election polls: Why GE2015 pundits fluffed the numbers so badly


Re: "Shy Tories"

Wow @disgustedoftunbridgewells I wish I had written that.


Why should I give a monkeys peanut the polls were wrong?

What gives? Why is this important? Rather than the media reporting on the policies they reported on the predicted result. The actual result is news but they led with predictions of the results; which is now clearly exposed as a bad joke not good journalism.

It seems that it's a big media event that the polls were wrong, Yet the polls are themselves a media event. If you see media events themselves as not news worthy then this is "not news" about the "not news". Even if you think the opposite then it's "news" about the "news" so once again a media event not of interest to anyone other than journalists.

Can we get a story about journalists being embarrassed and apologising for serving up all this drivel as being news worthy? Or how about an investigative journalism piece exposing how journalists are manufacturing news by buying polls and ignoring the real story of the election campaign? Or even a soap opera about an honest journalists being seduced by a heartless statistician would be less of a waste of time than all this navel gazing about polls.

Google wearables: A solution looking for a rich nerd


Re: deja vu all over agai

It is all about timing and the timing is right.

Are people going to give up their retinal screen 64bit smart phone with a fat battery as they have a pebble? No.

Do you want to leave your super computer smart phone in your coat pocket and interface with it via your watch? Yes.

It pisses me right off to pull my 5s out of my pocket to read "okay" from my mates about plans so meet up next week whilst in a business meeting.

My smart phone stores gigs of coursera videos for me to watch on the go. It's going no where. (But on a train or plane I like my iPad mini for movies. My 2010 honda has an iPod jack so it likes my phone, so the iPhone is the "base station" and no watch will replace it).

Do I really need to pull out my 5s of my pocket unless I need video? It's my big screen and big storage and big battery. I need an iWatch for the low bandwidth stuff like chat and reminders and email subjects from contacts. Apple is going to deliver it.

You don't have to be Steve Jobs to see the future. You just have to have high expectations which are realistic. Blackberry and Microsoft can wipe my behind whilst I check my iWatch. Microsoft are the MSOffice (tm) dinosaur with a business partner model. They bought failed Nokia to improve themselves. Google is an advertising broker who ship betas which would bankrupt any consumer business. Samsung is a "me to" manufacturer who is only mildly less embarrassing than HTC because any good idea needs one good emulator to prove its the best idea. Pebble is a copy-me half-hit wonder.

Let's wait and see what Apple does then declare it "obvious".