* Posts by RhubarbRhubarb

1 publicly visible post • joined 20 Mar 2014

Help a hack: What's in your ultimate Windows XP migration toolkit?


Re: Tips for deep desert PCs

Have a look at http://kiwix.org - this is free offline wikipedia / wikionary / wikivoyage application that's cross platform, and can also be hosted as a web server (can be hosted on a raspberry pi). Just be sure to get it running and download all the wiki* files first before you head up.

Existing maps of Willowra are in very poor shape, Openstreetmap is probably the best, but still could do with some improvement. See http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=14/-21.2517/132.6065

Once you print out Willowra's current Openstreetmap's map from walkingpapers http://www.walking-papers.org/print.php?id=p4nbdczc you can just write or draw in any changes or additions (names of roads, where the internet centre is, where the general store is, that sort of stuff. Once done scan it in and send it back to walkingpapers.org. Then anyone can use your walkingpaper doodles to improve openstreetmap easily.

If you're stuck with using Windows, make sure at the very least to download nvidia and ati's video drivers.