* Posts by Ilmarinen

257 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Mar 2014


Poll: Climate change now more divisive than abortion, gun control


Re: That "pause"

John Hughes said "Central England? That's your idea for a proxy for the global temperature?"

"No, 'corse not" I thought, and scuttled off to the CRU Temperature Data page, where they have graphs of temperature time series called things like CRUTEM4, HadCRUT4 & HadSST3.

"Well, call me a Denialist" thought I - they all look pretty pausey too.

I wondered to myself where that data set is that dan1980 said was the basis for the utter fabrication?

Perhaps John Hughes might be able to point it out?


That "pause"

dan1980 said "If you are referring to the 'pause', that is an utter fabrication based on a very poor interpretation of a single data set from a single source and of limited global scope."

So I scuttled over to the Met Office Central England Temperature Record (HadCET) to have a look...

Seems pretty "paused" to me - but maybe that's the data set on which the utter fabrication is based. But what do I know, I'm an engineer not a "Scientist" ;-)

ARG! A GHOST SHIP! Pirates sunk by UK cops return from watery grave


"Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit"

I didn't think plod did "Intellectual"

WANTED: New head of crashingly expensive, error-prone and frankly cursed one-dole-to-rule-them-all system


Re: Surely

But that would defeat the whole purpose of the exercise - wasting taxpayers money on keeping yourself and your friends in the lifestyle to which you are accustomed.

And please, don't call me Surely (OK, OK...)

New IPCC report: 8 ways climate change will throw world into peril


Risk Assessment

This article, with the tables of risks and confidence reminds me of a risk assessment that I saw recently at work. Lots of verbiage, but missed the blindingly obvious.

In this case, they seem to have missed the total lack of warming over the last 17+ years, even though CO2 levels continued to rise.

I've heard that Climate Scientists (tm) think that maybe the missing heat is "hiding in the deep ocean". I wonder if they've checked to see if it's just slipped down the back of the sofa?

Help a hack: What's in your ultimate Windows XP migration toolkit?



I've just transitioned my home XP machine from XP to Linux Mint 13. Unlike previous attempts at going to Linux this has been an (almost) pain free experience and the result is a pleasure to use. Seems rather quicker than XP and I can still run my old Win apps under Wine. I can still dual-boot to XP if I need.

I have got Win7 on a netbook and it's soooo slow - whereas Mint on the same machine works well. If you want to go the Win 7 route I'd check it out on similar hardware back home first before inflicting it on Oz.

Just my 2p (or 2¢) worth :-)

Previously stable Greenland glaciers now rushing to the sea


Re: Bah!

Maybe it gimbles in the wabe? Dunno how quick though.
