* Posts by txt3rob

12 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Mar 2014

Good news: Unsecured Amazon Web Services S3 bucket discovery just got easier


always fun!


when running burp you can find them and their permissions.

handy for bug bountys or sub domain take overs

UK third worst in Europe for fibre-to-the-premises – report


if they just invested like the koreans we would be able to provide businesses better internet speeds.

Cybersecurity world faces 'chronic shortage' of qualified staff


The problem is currently the nearly all the jobs for infosec require experience in another job doing it.

What if your a junior level and want to move up with on the job training?

I would love a job in infosec but finding local and pay packet enough to pay for a wife kids and mortgage is near impossible with out some sort of cert that is 3 grand or more!

WannaCry kill-switch hero Marcus Hutchins collared by FBI on way home from DEF CON



this is his charges and it blanks out the co person accused of using it.


Here is all the charges he faces https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/3912524-Kronos-Indictment-R.html

Tor torpedoed! Tesco Bank app won't run with privacy tool installed


it's a rather smart idea that!

protects them from paying out from fraudulent users they can not trace.

Smart bank!

Users fear yet another hack as TalkTalk services go down


Single point?

So talktalk as an ISP has a single point of failure to bring down everything?

Time to move to the cloud hahaha!

Violet, you're turning violet! Imagination unveils graphics-tastic hobbyist board


got one myself nice but not ready for XBMC and few other bits just yet.

hard to find all the packages you need made for mips.

Reg reader fires up Pi-powered anti-cat garden sprinkler system



Any of the scripting on github yet?

would love to see instructions on how to do this

Time-rich Brit boffin demos DIY crazytech wolverine talons


no one seem the pram he made? it has a word record i am sure of it!

My work-from-home setup's better than the office. It's GLORIOUS


My Home setup no longer gets used even tho its a I5-2500k with SSD and 16GB ram.

been given a nice I5 with SSD in work and 16GB ram and a brand new top spec mac book pro!

big contrast to the computer manufacture i worked at where we was stuck on old dual cores and needed to run a VM for Win 8 support as they would not pay for new exams etc!

Plusnet shunts blame for dodgy DNS traffic onto customers' routers


yep so basically update your router's firmware.

the ISP does this automatically when using their rubbish equipment.

teach all the tech's not to update their firmware