Windows 11 on any PC
There are plenty of videos on Youtube on how to install Windows 11 on any PC. This is just one of them.
49 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Mar 2014
It always amuses me when the national socialist Marxist regimes of the national socialist German workers party and the Italian fascists are described as right wing. I think that to a communist anything to the right of that position is extreme right wing.And describing the murderous activities of those two socialist organisations and any other party as right wing and therefore bad belies the fact that the socialist extreme left communists were responsible for around 200 million deaths worldwide arising from their policies and programs.
Youtube videos imply that Netflix has followed the Go woke, go broke path. Their share price has supposedly tanked from a high of $700 about a year ago to around $220. I did not watch it enough to see these woke programs but an example was shown illustrating an Asian couple where the male was pregnant. This makes it a bit hard to suspend disbelief when watching.
When Netflix sent out its email saying they were raising the price I deliberated for a few months then cancelled. Instead, I subscribed to Stan, mainly to re-watch an Australian police series called "No Activity" about two undercover police sitting in a car while carrying out surveillance. The first episode was a little bit rude but the actors get better as they ad-lib their way through the series. Surprisingly, there were other watchable shows on Stan - a little bit of icing.
There appears to be a huge amount of misinformation in these threads, most likely from CNN watchers. Anyway, my opinion is that we need some balance. We need a social media platform that censors left wing opinion and encourages conservative opinion. After all, why pander to the left. The Nazis and the Italian Fascists were paragons of socialism and Marxism and, along with communism, these left-wing philosophies and activities have been responsible for over 200 million deaths word wide. So good on Elon.
So from this I assume that you believe that the National Socialist Workers Party of Germany were extreme right wing?
I would refer you to this video that tells of left wing liberals in the 1930s praising the Nazis and the Italian Fascists as being exemplary examples of socialism and Marxism. Thomas Sowell: Were the NAZIS Right Wing? (Re-uploaded)
Google is your friend. However, I used Duck Duck Go.
I loved the video about the kangaroo. Magpies are dangerous because they can, as they swoop, peck you in the eye and blind you. A woman in Queensland was so terrified by a magpie swooping she fell over onto her baby that she was carrying and killed it. That is the reputation magpies have.
As for kangaroos, in the video the commentard seemed to think that the kangaroo was reaching out its paws to clasp the hands and thank the rescuer. This person must have been a city dweller shielded from reality. Kangaroos reach out and grasp to provide sufficient leverage to kick and disembowel. This kangaroo was obviously too weak from immersion in the cold water and fighting off the bull sharks to follow through.
As soon as I see something like this:
"The former political office holder, known among other things for a cancelled reality TV series, a discontinued steak business, a failed casino, and a shuttered business training school," I know the article is going to be a hit piece where they play the man instead of the ball.
No compulsory voting. The obvious chance for mail-in voter fraud.
In Aussie and I guess the UK you need to register to vote, be ticked off a roll when you do vote in person and it would be obvious if you voted more than once. In the US, mail in voting ballots could be harvested by anyone, filled in by one person and then mailed. In one California county apparently their are 20% more registered voters than residents. Their elections are a farce.
After all, when the Brits armed them in 1944 to help expel the Japanese from Burma, instead the Rohinga proceeded to kill or displace about half a million Burmese. Since then they have tried through violence to have an independent Islamic state in Burma. So why would you want them?
Yes, fa stands for fascist. A left-wing socialist organisation that used jackboot thugs. Very similar to antifa today. Also, I can never understand why NAZIs were described as right-wing. NAZI stand for the National Socialist Party of Germany. I suppose they are right wing if you are a communist.
I watched the videos about black snakes in the Daily Mail at the bottom of the link about the 8m crocodile and that was scary. It gave me that funny visceral feeling. Give me a croc any time. Even the large python in the Queenslander child's bedroom was a worry.
This reminds me of a joke. A man was driving in the country and as he went over a bridge he saw a large group of children playing on the river bank. A large crocodile leapt out and grabbed one. Concerned, he went over to the house near the river and spoke to its occupant. Hey Missus, he said, did you know there was a crocodile in your river and it's eating your children. Cor, thanks she says. I was wondering what was happening to them.
You may wonder why we survived this relatively non-aggressive chewing but I suspect it was because it was a nice wombat. It was slightly smaller than the average wombat, has a nice coloured coat and long eyelashes so I suspect it was a girly wombat and thus less likely to behave like the one in the story. Anyway, if the people in the story had not panicked and had kept their heads I am sure they could have avoided the rampant attack. All this falling over allowing the wombat to go for the groin strikes me of hysteria.
Koalas can be nearly as dangerous as drop bears. I have seen a video showing a Koala leaping for the crotch of a cyclist who had foolishly stopped to look at it. I have searched for that video but I suspect YouTube has censored it in favour of the fake news of Koalas pretending to placidly accept drinks from cyclists instead.
There seems to be an awful lot of Trump Derangement Syndrome in this thread. Anyways, back to the chase.
The suspicion that something was biased in this article was "a well-known French doctor and microbiologist who is skeptical of human-caused climate change".
What has "skeptical of human-caused climate change" got to do with anything in the COVID-19 world. It just proves he is properly skeptical of any current paradigm. Also the trial was really just a "proof of concept" And it looked pretty good to me if the combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin cleared 6 patients of virus in 5 days compared to a control group. A lot of "proof of concept" studies only have about 6 or so rabbits in each group and they are designed to pave the way to more rigorous studies. Rabbits are expensive but there appears to be plenty of sick people cheaply available for larger trials and happy to sign up for what appears to be a promising result.
The final conclusion that some stupid people took an overdose of chloroquine phosphate is also irrelevant. I guess that was just to trigger the Trump Derangement Syndrome and increase the negative bias this article displayed. Sucked in.
I suspect that current machine guns would be impractical because of vacuum welding of metal surfaces. Using grease to prevent this from happening would cause the grease to disperse volatiles and start to harden. It would be a sad event if the guns ( were started up and the barrels refused to rotate and the ammunition refuse to feed. Quelle horreur!
My favourite was in a paddock outside Condobolin where a flock of lambs were playing "King of the Castle" on a hill in the middle of the paddock. A ewe was watching them and disliked their exposure to airborne depredation so bleated at them and made them come back to the main body of sheep who were shelltering under the trees. As they reluctantly followed the ewe they kept on looking back over their shoulders at the hill and could no longer resist. One broke for the hill and the other lambs turned and followed and resumed playing, much to the ewe's distress.
Alternatively, I believe I saw a video on a computerised trap that allowed feral animals to go into the trap area but shunted wanted animals such as livestock through a gate system out of the trap. You could build one of those. Google is your friend.
I have just managed to wean my wife away from her iPad. I bought her an Android Lenovo P10 tablet for $404AUD for her birthday. It has a 10" screen, weighs 440g and looks very spiffy with its glass facade. Added a 256GB microSD for $80AUD. Space is no longer a limitation. Bluetooth keyboard cost $20AUD. Downloaded Word for free and a few apps she will need. She can now download all her Audible and Amazon books to listen to in the car or read in the plane or ship. She can now watch all of her videos that can be downloaded from her computer. She can write using the keyboard. She can send and receive her emails. The camera is fine. She no longer needs to worry about space and all the other limitations of an iPad. The iPad is being left at home while we go on a cruise to HongKong. Hopefully, I can sell the iPad on Gumtree when we get back.
What aquatyger is trying to imply is that the universe is too large to have travelled all that distance to encompass the universe at the speed of light in 13.8 billion years. Big bangers get over this by saying that matter exceeded the speed of light then slowed to the observed expansion. That has thermodynamic implications that the observed microwave background should be far hotter than 2.8C.
Another work-around is the singularity was not a singularity but inflation occurred diffusely but it just really means that the big bang hypothesis is not a good predictor and provides epicyclic explanations to prop up innacurate predictions. It is more a religion than a science. Some even say it is creationism by stealth.
Typical big bang religion - trying to force the facts to fit the fantasy. The universe is far to large to have come from a singularity. These galaxies are far to old to have developed from a big bang 13.8 billion years ago. Yet the observed facts need to be massaged or ignored if they don't fit the metaphysics.
Typically these big bang metaphysics theorists ignore the better predictive alternatives. Plasma cosmology has an explanation of the observed inadequate gravitational attraction, that does not need dark matter. As for the 31Myr cycles of extinctions and the 250Myr cycles of major extinctions (including that for the dinosaurs), all can explained by the solar system's wobble through the plane of the Milky Way as it turns about its axis and the time of rotation of the solar system around the galaxy (remember Feynman's plates and their wobble). Wobbles cause the earth to pass through rings of objects such as the Opik-Oort cloud in the plane of the solar system or the plane of the galaxy large enough to cause extinction events if the earth is unlucky enough to collide with one.
Theoreticians are just grasping at straws, hope-wishing, desparately looking for further fanstasies to bolster their belief in their dreamworlds.