* Posts by SrsHXC

3 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Feb 2014

Russia to ban iCloud.. to protect iPhone fiddlers' pics 'n' sh*t


Sounds horrible for business, too.

Is anyone else thinking that this will stop any businesses based in Russia from using ANY SaaS or cloud vendor's services or storage if said services or storage reside outside the federation?! Not overly knowledgable about provision of these things in RU, but surely this will make it significantly more expensive for multinationals to operate in the country, not to mention preventing Russian businesses from being able to compete anywhere outside of Russia?!

Even if foreign firms remain in country, they'll have to hand data over as and when they're asked for it- to suspicious and corrupt Russian government officials who will likely then hand it over to their friends in Russian owned industry.

Not good.

Sysadmin with EBOLA? Gartner's issued advice to debug your biz


Re: eholma

It's not airborne, and you'd have to be insanely unlucky (or lucky, depending on personal preference or how lonely / weird you are) to end up with a fellow commuter's bodily fluids in one or more of your orifices on your way to work. I'm not sure you'd be able to catch it on the tube even if you tried, despite the amount of close bodily contact.

Steve Jobs statue: Ones and ohs and OH NOES – it's POINTING at us


That's horrific.