How about a poll?
"1 is the magic number" brigade and the "0 is the only true way" acolytes.
I vote for zero (0).
Neg for 1, upvote for zero.
Suggest another number if you like (does not apply to physicists).
342 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Feb 2014
C'mon, how about locally hosted elreg/bogroll.jpg or similar - I would not block that.
No gifs, however, please.
I'm deliberately running our local bogroll stash low - below 3 rolls currently. I predict a modest downturn in prices soon, and am considering hoarding around 6 rolls.
A locally hosted ad on elreg might convince me where to buy - no tracking, naturally.
Got to go now - need a crap / full of shit / important message from an SEO to catch up with.
Presumably it costs Facebook money to take down restricted content, costs they'd rather avoid.
For example, a disproportionately large number of Facebook moderators (I think I read 25% a while back) are working on removing illegal posts in Germany in order to comply with the country's laws against Nazi content.
I guess this is considerably cheaper for them than pulling out of Germany or getting fined.
Maybe it was easier for Vietnam to just throttle Facebook into complying with their wishes than enact laws which would be subject to public scrutiny, and possibly not broad enough for their requirements.
browser.urlbar.update1. searchTips
Hmm, I checked and already had all those set to false; my address bar still looks a bit strange compared to a couple of weeks ago.
When I clear the address bar I get a drop-down list of sites (from history?) which I wasn't plagued with until recently.
Unfortunately some neobanks lack websites - app only.
One could choose to ignore such banks, but for me e.g. starling offering euro denominated bank account with associated debit card isn't available from any of the non app-only banks I've come across.
I thought they normally flag all the April Fool's day posts as such by 12:00 BST. None today.
I suppose someone decided it would be inappropriate this year (fake news?). Maybe current reality is worse than most April Fool's jokes.
Now, I can't find my spaghetti tree, but I've got one I'm hopeful that might solve the toilet paper shortage in my household. Broad leaves; not flushable, however.
Not sure whether asymptotic is a reasonable analysis of the spread - are there always a constant number of new infections per iteration?
I imagine something like (x*2)+1 per generation would support asymptotic growth (1,3,7,15,31,63,...), but I can't see the stats to support that.
Where would the odd 'one' come from? And isn't it asymptomatically insignificant anyway after a couple of generations?
Presumably one needs to have the application on a large number of devices in a region to work reliably using Bluetooth. 1% might be too low.
So, the TLAs / shady outfits would need to get this preinstalled on phones or bundled in as e.g. an os feature for those in the region, or make it a requirement for progressing past the checkpoint.
For example, install this application if you want to be allowed to leave your home. They have something like that in China.
I'm a bit out of the loop now, but I remember IR35 being an issue a while back - part of the reason I took another contract in mainland Europe early this century instead of coming back to the UK; the rate played a role too.
Has it really taken this long for IR35 to start to bite?
What the fuck have they been doing with this legislation in the meantime?