Not sure how they're making any money at all,
half the time the only adverts I see on there are for advertising on facebook.
Then again, that might have something to do with me marking every advert I see as offensive or misleading.
146 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Sep 2007
Also, from their posting about it: "Voting will begin on April 16 and end on April 23. It will be done through an application developed on Facebook Platform by Wildfire, and the vote tabulation will be audited by an independent auditor to ensure that the results are accurate."
So if I even want to vote, I have to turn on the sodding applications API I spent about an hour working out how to turn off?
I agree. Most of the bars here are either priced exactly like the normal pubs in town, and so are more expensive than the likes of wetherspoons. The only exception is when they run a promotion, at which point the prices can drop by 50% or more as long as you're buying 4 pints of shit lager or a round of tequila shots. The only reason they stay solvent is that this is a campus, and people can't be arsed with a walk/bus into town.
The real people are continuously running trillions of simulations to understand psychology, sociology, consumer behaviour, ethics and everything else. The likelihood of you being one of the true people is so small as to be negligible. Embrace your position as artificial life, and they will be forced to end our false existence.
They probably do have some mathematicians doing algorithmic work, they'll just be called computer scientists rather than mathematicians.
Then again, aren't they both failing to break even because nobody's yet figured out where real revenue is going to arise from to balance their books?
Lenses matter. There is a reason why cameras don't use the 2mm wide lens you find on the average mobile .
If you want a high quality picture, buy a fucking camera. If you want reasonable snapshots of wherever you are, buy a camera phone that's designed to be a camera phone. If you just want to take pictures of your friends pissed in the local dive, buy a phone that happens to have a camera on it.
"Those rare creatures out there who use Linux and have a Hotmail account can only currently access the full working version of their email via the mobile version..."
Fedora Core 9, Firefox 3, just opened my hotmail inbox and it displays everything fine. Or as fine as it gets with the new design anyway.
Still insists that I need to upgrade my browser every time I sign in though.