Microsoft needs to slash the price of its Enterprise Agreements.
Microsoft needs to slash the cost of its Enterprise Agreements or face the wrath of the public and future obsolescence. In this time of economic crisis and high unemployment where governments can't afford to keep essential services running why should companies of 1500 people spend close to $900,000 pa on Microsoft licensing when there are free and open source alternatives? Even if governments and companies selected Apple products it would be more fiscally responsible as Apple doesn't maintain the high annual "Microsoft Tax". I Personally would rather keep my job than use Microsoft Word ! I am not afraid of your SAM audits.
Microsoft, the people are not happy ! - The annual software taxes you have fostered on our governments and our businesses for years are "no longer an acceptable cost of doing business." We know how you abused your monopoly position in Tasmania and we are appalled !!
We the people have a choice and we say NO to expensive Microsoft !