One of these for the imaging team --->
81 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Jul 2014
"As an example, my mum bought a house in the 1990 worth £15k. Now it's 10x that. She gets no extra cash out of it, and had no say- or interest- in how house prices change."
If this was you mum's second house she would have to pay capital gains tax if she sold it on the £135,000 profit. Same rules don't apply to first homes tho cos we all need a roof over our heads so can't realise the gains unless you make yourself homeless.
It would definitely be better to remove short sentences and have these dealt with in the community. Unfortunately Grayling was let loose on the Justice department and decimated the probation service for the bargain price of £500 million. One (and possibly only) good thing BoJo has done is keep him out of the cabinet.
"An additional £2.5bn is being spent on increasing prison capacity by an extra 10,000 places and to "create modern, efficient jails that rehabilitate offenders, reduce reoffending..."
I wonder how much of the £250,000 per cell goes on building the prisons with all the enhanced security requirements and how much is spent on training and courses to help with rehabilitation. I doubt there will be much change left over once the new tenants start moving in.
"The only way I’ve managed to kill one is full immersion in water and even then it limped on for a month before dying."
I left s Sagem MYX2 in a pocket and put it through the washing machine. Left it to dry for about a day and it carried on working fine. I think it was still powered on after the wash had finished.
I couldn't even remember my password and had to reset it so not one I had used elsewhere, I tried all those. And not possible this was cred stuffing as I have a unique email for their site, advantages of having a domain.
Also my 1 pizza slice I didn't know I had is still there, for what it's worth.
And I voted against it for a number of reasons.
I have gotten more information about the new pay structure from the union than from BT. All they seem to have been able to say is that there will be 5 pay bands from frontline grunts to the CEO making them absolutely huge. I also have no idea which pay band I will fit into so voting for it is blindly voting for whats an unknown, kind of like voting for Brexit with no plan. I also disagree that managers should be deciding how payrises should be shared out amongst their team, this is ripe for unconscious bias and reducing trust between workers and managers.
Miners are rewarded for each block they validate with a reward in bitcoins plus the transaction fees for the transactions recorded in the block.
The number of bitcoins awarded per mined blocked is on a decreasing scale, halving every 210,000 blocks. This will next happen in 2020. Eventually it will reach zero in about 2040 as part of the original design of the currentcy, at this point miners will only receive transaction fees for validating the blocks.
1900 was not a leap year as it is divisible by 100 but not 400
In the Gregorian calendar three criteria must be taken into account to identify leap years:
The year can be evenly divided by 4;
If the year can be evenly divided by 100, it is NOT a leap year, unless;
The year is also evenly divisible by 400. Then it is a leap year.