I had tears coming down clicking through on StreetView. Kudos to the boys. They actually chased the car quite far...which is quite something considering they're waring rubber suits and fins.
20 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Jul 2007
...they'll be rounding up and shooting the homeless by 2008, same thing for > 70 year olds by 2010 and non-re-educated (i.e. brainwashed) regime followers by 2015.
Geez and they keep bashing nazi-cruelties. They're moving the same direction at an alarming rate. Fascism at its best!
The fact that they'll send out some guy in his V8 pick-up truck to drive somewhere to plant that tree! :-P
Carbon neutral my ass. Only an american would actually believe such a bogus program makes sense...but then again...they think the Prius is a fuel-economic car so what the heck.
"Nadav Ahituv of Berkeley Lab's Genomics Division, a human geneticist who led the experiment, said that the results were a complete surprise."
Of course they can only name the "human geneticist" involved! Stating the name of the head mice would probably jeopardize their (the mices') project of the supercomputer EARTH.
42 all the way!
(Yes, it's Friday...)
...mine when it was released over here (CH) mid June. First time I played the train game, I got to this poitn and guess what?! Neither me, my gf or anyone of the other 6 people sitting 'round the screen didn't give a flying rats ass!
It's supposed to be funny. Even it was badly translated. Period.
For all you lamers who are offendend: go and get a friggin sense of humour at www.engrish.com!