* Posts by Toromoloscu

3 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Feb 2014

Paper driving licence death day: DVLA website is still TITSUP


Re: Who EVER looked at paper licences?

I tried this way back when it was first mentioned and worked perfectly, Yesterday R4 had a moan about and several news websites droned on it was broken. I tried last night 23;30 and it was almost instant. The car hite info I received today said that I would need the code. No problems, any rush will be over by now, so at 9:23 this morning I entered my info and got the nice PDF. Took seconds to get the data.

I'm convinced the only reason it's failing is because every bastard is out there wondering if it works rather than just the people needing it. How much over provision should the DVLA provide just so Joe Git can check the details he already knows?

As for paper. Every time I have hired a car in the USA and Switzerland I have had to provide the paper counterpart, but never in the EU.

Never had a problem taxing a car online, no problem with this site either. OK a statistically valid sample of one but works for me.

El Reg Redesign - leave your comment here.

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Fucking Shite

This looks fucking shite. Old site please. That is all.

Qipp debuts 'Clippy for your STUFF' app


Re: Great

>Or you die on your knees milking your snake, it seems.

Is this a euphanism?