* Posts by Trilby_G

1 publicly visible post • joined 8 Feb 2014

France demands that Google post badge of shame on its pages


They're being pretty straightforward with it and looks like they're using a center formatted pt14 font. Text is: "Communiqué: la formation restreinte de la Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés a condamné la société Google à 150 000 euros d'amende pour manquements à la loi « informatique et libertés ». Décision accessible à l'adresse suivante: http://www.cnil.fr/linstitution/missions/sanctionner/Google/"

Google translate of that is:

"Release: the Restricted National Commission on Informatics and Liberties has condemned the company Google 150 000 euro fine for breaches "and Freedoms" law. Decision reached at the following address: http://www.cnil.fr/linstitution/missions/sanctionner/Google/"

That's about as blunt as it gets - I don't suppose they chose the wording...

Take a look at http://google.fr if you're curious on exactly how it's displayed.