* Posts by patrick tyrus

7 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Feb 2014

Intel outside: Apple 'prepping' non-Chipzilla Macs by 2020 (stop us if you're having deja vu)

patrick tyrus

de ja vu

that reminds me of PowerPC

FCC douses America's net neutrality in gas, tosses over a lit match

patrick tyrus

Re: Steady on, folks.

Sorry, the buts were auto corrected from buy.

Same thing with amount of data.

Currently, the isp's in America only charge for speed. Unless you are on a phone.

Anyway on the volume side, if you need a 20gig plan buy that. If you only need 5 gigs buy that.

hey, isp if want to keep more data in house, and a product is popular with customers? Then you can work out a deal with the provider. It will improve both of your networks and won't mean prioritizing.

patrick tyrus

Net neutrality WAS HERE BEFORE 2015

What about before 2015?

I guess people are forgetting that before 2015 Net neutrality was the rule, but big corp got greedy and sued for its end.

Instead, in addition to making changes, they looked to classifying them as common carriers to keep the net neutrality standard.

patrick tyrus

Re: Steady on, folks.

Want basic service, but the slower service.

The beauty of net neutrality is that if you need 100 megs per second, you get that, and it doesn't matter where it goes.

Only need 5megs a second? But that.

Most of the differences will most likely be service and latency issies to places the provider doesn't like.

Apple bag-search class action sueball moves to Cali supreme court

patrick tyrus

Re: Dear Lord!

The question is because they "can avoid the search" if they opted not to bring a bag to work

Fee fie Firefox: Mozilla's lawyers probe Dell over browser install charge

patrick tyrus

Why isn't it a part of a standard instalation..... Why do they need to install it?

if it costs £16 to install firefox, do it on the standard image. There is obviously demand for it. Its not like all the other nagware you get. Mozilla offers to let Dell install it free Include it in the cost of the computer, and make it standard. No extra cost. That extra cost is the gripe. Actually, a ma and pa retailer, would probably install it for no charge. They are tired of the big brother MS. Heck, it would behoove MS to encourage dell to install it more MS is going to be the default browser, and with more FF installations out there, it means they are less under the govt's monopoly eye.

Facebook app now reads your smartphone's text messages? THE TRUTH

patrick tyrus

I already deleted it

Facebook just keeps going down the wrong road.

Bloatware. The app is huge

Not in my control. I can't move it to the SD card (I don't need it active all the time)

Its a battery hog (It tracks me when I am not in it)

Its insecure. (see it tracking me above, but it accesses everything: SMS, phonebook, etc.)

They try to say its secure by deleting people that shared info with me when I delete it, yet they get all my address book contacts without there permission.

They try to say they protect privacy by not telling me who's near when I/they specifically checkin & share there location, yet they track a persons every movement, and frequently attach it to posts and messages without explicit permission at that time.

(They try to get you to install another for page management, how about a basic facebook app, and not paper)