Re: multiple sources
Even worst if they could interlace the frames.
29 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Feb 2014
I am sure security rushed the first lady and her children to a hidden folder, somewhere in a hidden partition. As of the POTUS, at the time of the attack, he was in a DMZ. Some sources say he was hit in his headers and his integrity is compromised. The security guys hastily threw him through an IPsec channel but it was too late. Now the question is: Is it an inside hack or not?
It cost the American people $2 billion to compile a POTUS, and I am no sure the nation could afford another one unless Congress administrators backed him up.
"Not something you'd hear headlining about Android phones, no resale value"
IPhones are overpriced, to begin with. And, when they are resold, people think they made a good deal, when they could've bought a brand new Android or Windows Phone, with better features and warranty. It's just the herd mentality that's leading people to think that an IPhone is better.