Well duh
If you read the study, they basically bottlenecked the FCoE test. They didn't publish the logical UCS configuration, but I'm going to assume (based on the bias) that they only gave the UCS server a single vHBA - which would have limited it to 10Gb tops, despite all of the other cabling, etc. Depending on how they did the workload, the entire test would have been bottlenecked at either the 10Gb link at the server, or one of the two 8Gb links from the Fabric Interconnect to the Brocade FC switch. Despite Brocade having FCoE capability, and the stated purpose of testing FC vs. FCoE, why would they not run 10Gb FCoE northbound from the Fabric Interconnect? Oh, right, because the study was formed not to actually test anything, but to support a preconceived marketing goal.