If the scammers were more believable, they may be more successful
Recently I've had several text messages from His Majesty's Revenue & Customs, many of them are from overseas phone numbers, and they all want payment in Apple gift cards...
586 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Feb 2014
The current administration is just going to ban anything that's better than American products, which are, as Frank Zappa so eloquently said back in the day "All what we got here's American made,
It's a little bit cheesey, But it's nicely displayed"
Maybe the mention of physical fights should be a clue to the safety comments
To the victim, the fart videos were a contnuation of aggression.
Clearly the farter is an unstable person to continue sending the videos after a police warning, would you want someone like that knowing where you live?
This is fine when public transport works.
I have a bus stop right outside my house, with buses every 10 minutes, starting at 05:11 am. Unfortunately that stop serves a route that runs to the next town, and I work elsewhere.
I've just discovered there is a bus that goes from near my house to near my work, with a 10 minute walk either side.
Unfortunately, the first bus leaves 14 minutes after I'm supposed to start work, and arrives near work 1 hour and 20 minutes later, not bad for a 17 mile journey.
Maybe I could do flexi-time and work later?
Maybe not, as the last bus leaves 20 minutes before my normal workday ends.
Yeah, public transport is great if it works for you...
I resigned from Momentum after they emailed all constituency data managers, reminding them of the importance of data security.
The email had all our personal email addresses in the CC field.
Despite repeated requests for them to remove me from their mailing lists, I was still getting emails with other members details for over a year afterwards.
I reported them to the ICO twice, I'm not sure if anything happened, as I eventually blocked their emails
In the UK we have to keep student data until the student is 25, and longer for some students.
The student can request we delete it earlier, if they wish.
Prior to GDPR, schools using SIMS had no way sensibly to delete old student data, which did sometimes cause problems when former pupils became staff, and their year 11 photo suddenly became the photo we'd use for their ID badge.
Anyway, now we routinely delete old data, we have a problem whenever we get reference requests from agencies doing deep security checks, so we have to reply "yeah, we remember the person, but we have no exam results on record, because GDPR"
There seems to be a ridiculous number of down votes on posts that are only trying to explain why a school may feel the need to close.
Let me tell you, schools do not close without very good reasons, because we know exactly how badly this affects parents.
Where I work, outside of Government mandated lockdowns, we've closed 4 times in the last 12 years I've been working here.
Twice because buses couldn't get to school due to flooding
Once because of an area wide powercut, we tried to carry on teaching, but the powercut killed the heating, and classes were uncomffortably cold.
The final time was due to far too many staff being off sick and we couldn't cover lessons safelly.
On all but the powercut, we conducted lessons online for those that could access them.
The school has a legal duty to provide meals during term time to pupils on the Free School Meals regsiter (the school will have a paper copy of this list in the kitchen).
They will simply make up packed lunches for these kids to collect.
This does not negate any of the list of things that are on computer...
Until the DfE has a system where we can upload this data to them without touching the public internet, this is our only option.
Back in the day, schools were linked to systems linked to JANET, but now most schools have switched to commercial fibre, as it's much cheaper than the university's networks.
We moved to B4RN and have two 1 gig fibres for less than 1/3 of what we were paying for 500 meg from LUNS
You're not a teacher, so you have no frigging clue how schools work.
The register is a legal requirement, we have to upload them nightly to the DfE.
Without a usable register, and emergency like a fire alarm could be a disaster, we wouldn't know who is in school and who isn't
Yeah, your teacher couldn't be arsed, and yeah, your teacher wouldn't be working now...
Read today's Guardian, a shocking number of people can no longer write with a pen.
Anyway, it's more about maintaining accurate attendance registers, which need to be uploaded to the DfE nightly.
If you can't have an accurate register, there's also dangers with Fire Registers, you try taking a headcount of 1,000 kids in an emergency situation if you don't know who is in or out of school that day.
I know what you're muttering under your breath 'we had to in my day', well it's no your day anymore, kids today have real problems following instructions, which is partly down to them having to fend for themselves during lockdown, something schools are still struggling to fix.
A customer of mine used to specialise in network audits, which were usually carried out prior to upgrades or introduction of new tech,
He got a call from a large UK university who wanted to install a new networked IP camera system across the main campus building.
When my customer carried out his survey he found out the university already had a full IP camera system, running to hundreds of cameras and multiple recording servers, that the site management had installed a couple of years earlier, failing to tell the network department.
Because the network department hadn't been informed this system was running on their network and their switches, it wasn't even on a VLAN, and many of the students had already discovered the recording server and were merrily deleting any footage of after hours shenanigans.
Anyway, my customer utilised the existing kit and reconfigured it all so it was on a secure VLAN, this meant I didn't get a sale, but we had a new case study to show to other Universities and large colleges to ensure they installed kit properly in future.