I think the point is to make PowerShell familiar. Ironically, a lot of people only know of PowerShell's existence from using it to uninstall pre-installed UWP apps.
Posts by RS232 4 Eva
18 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Feb 2014
Microsoft's cmd.exe deposed by PowerShell in Windows 10 preview
Re: ksh or nothing, thank heavens for cygwin
"Piping objects sounds a little dangerous, like Active X in a Web Page, or DCOM, or even the original OLE / COM. IMO the only place for an "Object" is in the program that created it, anything else is a reliability and security horror. OLE/Com was a bad idea. DCOM and Active X in Web pages are evil."
PowerShell is just using .Net objects. It's no different than one .Net app calling a .Net API. The idea that passing unstructured text around is the best solution for anything is just bizarre.
Re: Weird move...
PS C:\Users\me> Measure-Command {Get-ExecutionPolicy -list}
Days : 0
Hours : 0
Minutes : 0
Seconds : 0
Milliseconds : 3
Ticks : 32171
TotalDays : 3.72349537037037E-08
TotalHours : 8.93638888888889E-07
TotalMinutes : 5.36183333333333E-05
TotalSeconds : 0.0032171
TotalMilliseconds : 3.2171
I think I can wait 3 milliseconds for it to complete. :-)
Re: ksh or nothing, thank heavens for cygwin
Normal users will benefit because they'll become more familar with a shell that's both more powerful and easier to use (logical command names, aliases for commands, built-in consistent help).
It will also benefit existing PowerShell users because they'll be able to right-click in file explorer to open up PowerShell.
Plus, anyone who doesn't like it can just turn the setting off to switch it back to command, like you can already do for the <Win>+X menu.
Re: But muh scripts!
If only you could just run a cmd batch script from PowerShell...
PS C:\Users\Me> "echo `"This is a test.`"" | Out-File test.bat -Encoding ascii
PS C:\Users\Me> .\test.bat
C:\Users\Me>echo "This is a test."
"This is a test."
You can literally run cmd.exe from PowerShell, so the vast majority of use-cases should be catered for. Plus, it says in the article that there'll be a setting in the same place as the current "Replace Command Prompt with Windows PowerShell in the menu when I right-click the start button or press Windows logo key + x" setting to switch back to using cmd.
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You were making sense until this bit: 'or someone with experience of Excel macros couldn't learn the more advanced VB.Net'
VB.Net is not VB6, it's just as fully featured as C# and Java. Having all the bad habits of Excel Macro writing would probably be a disadvantage when it comes to VB.Net.
On the original point, there is definitely a skills shortage and we (a .Net/Oracle software company) find it very difficult to recruit anyone half decent. As a result we have taken the approach of training people up and/or employing immigrants who do have the right skills.