Re: why now?
I agree, I use both the Android Family Link controls and iOS Screen time with the kids and Screen time is rubbish compared.. seems inaccurate, no central control and just so basic.
10 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Jan 2014
Whilst BB might still produce the odd device they are now a SOFTWARE company and they are doing rather well at it.
BES12 and its accompanying products (Watchdox/Good etc. etc.) have just been rated as a 'Leader' by Gartner in the mobile space:
Those who keep saying "BlackBerry are dead", give it a rest and try and do some reading beyond BGR.
Having used a corporately activated Blackberry 10 device since they came out the OS is coming on at an impressive rate. I've now dropped my own Android device and simply have one Z30 for everything. I think the "welcome to 2008" title for this article is a little unfair and the pinch and zoom references a new feature for mailbox management which is actually really cool. You've been able to pinch and zoom on a BB since roughly...ermm.. 2008.
Really looking forward to the trolling anti-BB comments from loads of iSheeple who've never actually used a Blackberry 10 device. I've used all the major phone OS's and BB10 combined with a corporate BES10 server really is a force to be reckoned with, ask the Pentagon...