* Posts by Spinel

2 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Jan 2014

Stephen Fry rewrites computer history again: This time it's serious


Disruptive Technology

As a person who was actulay involved in the industry at that time I have doubts IBM had any real intention of supporting MP/M on the PC (Piece of Crap) .

In the late 70's, before the PC there was the didicated Word Processor. I worked for AES DATA in Mississauga as test enginer kepping the production line humming. I made the first CP/M bios for that system.

Shortly after that I was hired by a startup developing a S100 based system. We had 128K banked memory system workin ( never finished debugging the 256K model )and a 5M hard drive, running MP/M with 4 dumb terminals.

Imaging my amazement when the PC (Piece of Crap) was first introuduced with 16K of RAM and a puking cassettre tape drive to so much fanfare and hype, destroying the actulal inivations going on in the microprocessor market.

The startup ran out of funding. I showed up for work one day to find the doors locked and me stiffed for 3 moths salary.

MP/M had the possibility of crashing the minicomputer market margins. The whole purpose of the PC(Piece of Crap) was to prevent that from happening. IMHO

Is Google building SKYNET? Ad kingpin buys AI firm DeepMind

Black Helicopters


I have No Mouth and I Must Scream !